Page 104 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 104
The Alumni Club is dedicated to serving the community and has organised various volunteer activities for its members so that they could better contribute to society. It teamed up with “Food for Good” to arrange “Food for Good Education Truck” visiting Jat Min Chuen to promote food waste reduction. The Alumni Club also teamed up with Housing Society volunteers to conduct risk assessment at the homes of the elderly to make simple home modifications and improve their living environment.
The Alumni Club had visited seniors living in the Housing Society’s estates, such as Cho Yiu Chuen, Kwun Tong Garden Estate and Chun Seen Mei Chuen, in order to befriend them, improve their living environment by giving professional advice following risk assessment of their home, and distribute festive gift bags and health packs.
It also launched a “Used Book Recycling Campaign” with ten charitable organisations to collect and distribute donated books for underprivileged children. As part of the campaign, the Alumni Club volunteers joined hands with Housing Society staff to host online story-telling sessions for children, helping some 90 kids from low-income families to explore the joy of reading while staying home from school.
Over the year, 18 community service programmes were organised to serve the children of under-resourced families and the elderly tenants of Housing Society’s estates and the neighbourhood. A total of 1,381 service hours were committed, benefitting over 4,700 people.
同學會致力服務社區,並為會員舉辦各類義 工活動,令他們能夠為社會作出更多貢獻。 同學會與「齊惜福」合作,安排「齊惜福教育 車」探訪乙明邨,倡導減少食物浪費。同學會 亦與房協義工隊合作,為長者的居所進行風 險評估,作出簡單的家居改造,以改善長者 的居住環境。
同學會亦探訪居住在祖堯邨、觀塘花園大廈 及真善美村等房協屋邨的長者,與他們聯 誼,並在進行家居風險評估後提供專業意 見,改善他們的居住環境,以及派發節日禮 包及抗疫包。
同學會與十間社福團體合作發起「舊書回收計 劃」,並將回收所得的書本送贈基層兒童。在 該計劃中,同學會義工與房協員工合作為兒 童舉辦線上講故事活動,與約九十名低收入 家庭的學童在課餘時間共同探索閱讀的樂趣。
年內,同學會開展了十八項社區服務計劃, 為資源匱乏家庭的兒童和房協屋邨及鄰近社 區的長者提供服務。同學會在年內投入的服 務時間合共為一千三百八十一小時,惠及逾 四千七百人。