Page 143 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 143
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
These efforts had been recognised as the Housing Society was honoured for the first time with a Commendation on Progress in Corporate Governance and Sustainability under Self-Nomination Awards in the Best Corporate Governance Awards 2020, which was organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).
The Best Corporate Governance Awards, at its 20th Anniversary, aim to recognise companies and organisations that have established the benchmarks of corporate governance and sustainability practices and reporting among their peers, and encourage improvements in standards of disclosure and practices through annual reports and sustainability reports. The Awards are the most sought-after accolades for listed companies and organisations in Hong Kong.
Further information on the sustainability practises of the Housing Society can be found in our Sustainability Report 2020/21.
房協的努力得到各界認可,於香港會計師公 會(「 香 港 會 計 師 公 會 」)主 辦 的「 最 佳 企 業 管 治大獎二零二零」中,房協首次榮獲「提升企 業管治及可持續發展嘉許獎-自薦組別」。
「最佳企業管治大獎」今年踏入二十周年,是公 認的卓越企業管治基準,旨在鼓勵及推廣良好 的企業管治披露及常規,以及表揚那些透過其 年報和可持續發展報告得以證明奉行最佳企業 管治準則的上市公司及公營╱非牟利機構。
有關房協可持續發展實務的進一步資訊,可 閱覽二零二零╱二一年度可持續發展報告。