Page 172 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 172
STATEMENTOFCASHFLOWS 現金流量表 For the year ended 31 March 2021 截至二零二一年三月三十一日止年度
(in HK$Million) (港幣百萬元) Notes附註 2021 2020
Cash flows from operating activities 營運活動現金流量
Net surplus/(deficit) 盈餘╱(虧損)淨額 7,607.8 (1,030.0)
Adjustments for: 調整項目:
Depreciation of investment 投資物業折舊 properties
12 316.9 326.6
Depreciation of property and 物業及設備折舊 equipment
13 30.3 23.2
Impairment of investment 投資物業減值 properties
12 319.6 294.9
Gain on disposal of investment related financial assets and liabilities, net
出售有關投資的財務資產 及負債的淨溢利
8 (1,096.8) (1,221.1)
(Increase)/decrease in fair value of investment related financial assets and liabilities, net
減少 8 (5,132.0) 2,669.9
Interest income 利息收入 8 (259.3) (348.2)
Dividend income 股息收入 8 (194.8) (251.8)
Exchange differences 匯兌差額 8 404.4 38.0
Loss on disposal of property and 處置物業及設備虧損 equipment
– 0.2
Project cost written back and 項目成本回撥及調整 adjustment
(45.0) (80.8)
Impairment/(reversal) of loans 應收貸款減值╱(回撥) receivable
15 0.2 (1.3)
Interest expenses 利息開支 0.3 –
Investment management fees 投資管理費支出 expense
116.0 120.8
2,067.6 540.4
Decrease/(increase) in properties 作出售用途的發展中物業
under development for sale 減少╱(增加) 1,927.8 (735.9)
Increase in housing inventories 樓宇存貨增加 (67.0) –
Decrease in loans receivable 應收貸款減少 22.7 27.7
Decrease/(increase) in accounts receivable, prepayments and other assets
應收賬項、預付費用及其他 資產減少╱(增加)
676.3 (4.1)
Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable, sundry deposits and accruals
應付賬項、雜項按金及應計 項目增加╱(減少)
247.8 (98.6)
Decrease in forward sales deposits 已收預售樓宇訂金減少 received
(648.3) –
Increase/(decrease) in provisions 準備增加╱(減少) 138.0 (18.0)
Increase in lease income received in 預收租金增加
advance 103.2 111.2
Cash generated from/(used in) 營運活動現金流入╱(流出)
operations 淨額 4,468.1 (177.3)
Interest portion of lease liabilities 租賃負債之利息部分 (0.3) –
Net cash generated from/(used in) 營運活動現金流入╱(流出)
operating activities 淨額 4,467.8 (177.3)