Page 2 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 2

About Us
We are an independent and not-for-profit organisation providing quality housing for the people of Hong Kong. With the support of Government, we have implemented various housing schemes to meet the needs of niche markets. We are governed by Members with a Supervisory Board and an Executive Committee made up of professionals coming from different sectors of the community.
Established in 1948, we have been serving our community with a social mission. Though this mission has evolved in tandem with the city over the years, the mandate of the Housing Society to serve the community remains unchanged.
我們是一個獨立的非牟利機構,為香港巿民提供優質居所。在政府的支持下,我們發展了不同的房屋計 劃,配合巿場的特別需要。我們由委員管治,而監事會及執行委員會的委員均來自社會不同的專業界別。
自一九四八年成立以來,我們秉承社會使命服務社群。雖然這項使命隨著時間與香港同步演變,但房協 一直貫徹為民服務的理念。
         目 錄
2 Projects at a Glance 項目一覽
10 Event Highlights 大事摘要
12 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告
22 CEO’s Review of Operations 行政總裁業務回顧 35 Corporate Structure 組織架構
Supervisory Board 監事會 Executive Committee 執行委員會 Other Committees 其他委員會 Other Members 其他委員
The Directorate 總監團隊 Senior Management Team 高級管理人員

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