Page 87 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 87
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Preserving the Lineage of Community Spirit
Having stood for decades, Ming Wah Dai Ha is itself a collective memory for many Hong Kong people, reminiscent of the close- knit camaraderie and strong sense of community in bygone eras when neighbours were regarded as close as next of kin as they turned to each other for help.
To carry on this tradition, the Housing Society has sought to connect the new redevelopment with its old identity through spatial design and incorporation of old building elements.
The iconic old signage bearing the estate name, as well as the long-standing exterior wall of old Ming Wah Dai Ha, were carefully preserved and incorporated as part of the portal and decoration for the podium of the new development. Other elements belonging to the old estate, such as hanging mailboxes, were recycled and artistically featured in the covered play area, blending old with the new while giving the residents a sense of déjà vu.
In addition, a garden to showcase some of the memorabilia of the original estate is being planned for Phase II Redevelopment.
明華大廈屹立數十年,是許多香港人的集體 回憶,記載著過往鄰里親如一家、守望相助 的歲月。
為了令這份傳統得以傳承延續,房協致力透 過空間設計和融入懷舊建築元素,讓新發展 項目與舊邨一脈相承。
原明華大廈的象徵性標誌牌,還有屹立多年 的外牆均被完好保留,並改裝成新發展項目 入口和平台裝飾的一部分。懸掛的郵箱等原 大廈元素經修飾後陳設於有蓋遊樂場內,這 種新舊融合的設計為住戶營造出似曾相識的 情感聯繫。
此外,我們正規劃在第二期重建項目建造一 個花園,以展示與原大廈相關的紀念物品。
Artist’s impression of Ming Wah Dai Ha Phase II Redevelopment