Page 17 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 17
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
Environmental Working Group
Established in 2002, the EWG comprises senior management staff from Projects Division, Corporate Finance and Planning Division, Development and Marketing Division and the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director's Office. It reports to the CEO&ED and evaluates the performance with regular meetings quarterly. The core functions of the EWG include:
• Providing leadership in the pursuit of environmental sustainability and establishing environmental management systems, objectives and programmes;
• Ensuring effective implementation of environment-related operational controls and management programmes;
• Facilitating internal communication of environmental matters between management and employees and promoting environmental awareness among staff; and
• Reviewing complaints records, non-conformities, corrective action reports and the adoption of corrective actions as necessary.
Integrated Management System
Our Property Management Division’s sustainability performance is managed by the IMS, which incorporates ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
As part of the IMS, all management staff in the Property Management Division are responsible for ensuring the system remains suitable, effective and adequate in managing the services under the Division. The IMS management review meeting is held annually, chaired by the Director (Property Management).
環保工作小組於二零零二年成立,成員來自 工程策劃部、企業規劃及財務部、物業發展 及市場事務部及行政總裁兼執行總幹事辦公 室。小組每季度舉行會議以評估工作表現, 並向行政總裁兼執行總幹事匯報。環保工作 小組職能主要包括:
• 帶領機構的環境可持續發展,建立環境管 理體系、目標及計劃;
• 確保有效執行環境方面的營運控制和管理 計劃;
• 促進管理層與員工之間就環境議題進行內 部溝通,提高員工的環保意識;及
• 必要時檢視環境相關投訴、違反行為、修 正行動報告及實際措施。
我們的物業管理部以「綜合管理系統」監察其 可持續發展的表現。該系統按ISO 9001:2015 品質管理系統、ISO 14001:2015 環境管理系 統和ISO 45001:2018 職安健管理系統標準設 立。
作為「綜合管理系統」的一部分,物業管理 部的所有管理級別員工均負責確保系統能適 切、有效和完善地管理部門所提供的服務。
「綜合管理系統」每年進行檢討會議,由總監 (物業管理)主持。