Page 5 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
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香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
Recounting the challenges and achievements of 2020, we attribute the Housing Society’s continued success to our dedicated and resilient team, especially during the times of stress and crisis. A comprehensive Business Continuity Plan was in place to ensure our critical operations and services can continue during the pandemic. On top of providing community support to our residents in need, we pay careful attention to our staff’s physical and mental well-being through a range of wellness initiatives.
Serving as Hong Kong’s “housing laboratory”, we continue to embrace innovation as the cornerstone of our business development and growth. In the light of the rapidly changing market leading to the post-pandemic future, we have started to reinvent our traditional way of working and project management. Through the application of new technologies, we aim to digitalise our work processes, thus improving work efficiency and service quality.
Further developing on the previous year’s materiality assessment, we have engaged our external stakeholders to understand their sustainability concerns and gather feedback on our performances. The findings provide valuable insights for devising the Housing Society’s long-term strategies, contributing to Hong Kong’s sustainable development. We endeavour to go strength to strength and work closely with our stakeholders to create values for the environment and our society.
Walter Chan Kar-lok James Chan Yum-min
Chairman Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Chairman and CEO’s Message 主席和行政總裁的話
回顧二零二零年面對的挑戰及取得的成果, 房協的持續成功實在有賴團隊緊守崗位,面 對着壓力和危機時仍能迎難而上。我們制定 了全面的「企業營運持續計劃」,以確保我們 在疫情期間可維持主要業務營運及服務。除 了向有需要的居民提供社區支援外,我們還 推行多項舉措,關顧員工的身心健康和福祉。
作為香港的「房屋實驗室」,房協將繼續以創 新求進作為我們業務發展的基石。為應對疫 情後瞬息萬變的市場形勢,我們已開始革新 傳統的工作及項目管理方式。我們將透過採 用新技術實現數碼化工作流程,以提升工作 效率及服務質素。
延續上一年度的重要性評估工作,我們邀請 了外部持份者參與討論,以了解其關注的可 持續發展議題並收集其對房協表現的反饋意 見。評估結果為我們提供了寶貴意見,有助 房協制定長遠策略為香港的可持續發展作出 貢獻。我們將再接再厲,並與持份者緊密合 作,共同為環境及香港社會創造價值。
行政總裁兼 執行總幹事