Page 160 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 160

Cyber attacks could have an adverse effect on the Housing Society’s business, operations and reputation. Our commitment to complying with data privacy laws and regulations and protecting the personal information of customers is well supported by corporate cybersecurity measures and policies.
Furthermore, robust systems and processes are in place to control the collection, access, update, and security of data received, and the processes are audited regularly. Additionally, awareness campaigns with periodic internal communications and phishing simulation test for colleagues are used to reinforce the importance of cybersecurity.
In support of Green IT and a nature-friendly atmosphere to preserve resources and protect the environment, we have implemented e-tendering system to reduce the paper usage significantly.
We also donated 444 pieces of used computer equipment including desktop computers, notebook computers, printers, LCD monitors, etc. to charitable organisation for reuse or recycling during the year. In addition, our e-form initiative was launched to further reduce the use of paper.
The Housing Society is committed to implementing green office management. We put great effort into maintaining good air quality, promoting recycling and reducing energy consumption.
During the year, our head office at World Trade Centre and regional office at Dragon Centre maintained “Excellent” and “Good” IAQ class respectively under the Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme of the Environmental Protection Department. Our head office at World Trade Centre also maintained Certificates of IAQwi$e, Wastewi$e and Energywi$e under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence in 2020/21.
網絡攻擊可能對房協的業務、營運及聲譽造 成不利影響。公司網絡保安措施及政策為我 們遵守數據私隱法律法規及保護客戶個人資 訊提供大力支持。
此外,房協建立了健全的系統及流程,以控 制所接收數據的收集、存取、更新及安全, 並定期對流程進行審核。我們亦透過為同事 開展定期內部溝通等宣傳活動及網絡釣魚模 擬測試,強調網絡安全的重要性。
為支持綠色資訊科技,營造自然友好的氛 圍,以保護資源及環境,房協推行電子招標 系統,大幅降低了紙張的使用率。
房協於年內亦捐贈包括桌上電腦、筆記本電 腦、打印機、液晶顯示器在內的四百四十四 台舊電腦設備予慈善機構,以供再使用或循 環利用。此外,我們推廣使用電子表格,從 而進一步減少傳統紙張的使用率。
房協致力於推行綠色辦公管理。我們著力保 持良好的空氣質素,提倡循環利用,減低能 源消耗。
年內,根據環境保護署的室內空氣質素檢定 計劃,房協位於世貿中心的總部及位於龍濤 苑的區辦事處分別保持室內空氣質素「卓越」 及「良好」級別。我們位於世貿中心的總部亦 持有二零二零╱二一年度香港環境卓越大獎 下的清新室內空氣證書、減廢證書及節能證 書。

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