Page 17 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 17
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Coupled with data and feedbacks collected from survey, interviews and focus group meetings, it is hoped that the information collated will help the Housing Society to develop domestic units with considerations on universal design for all ages, inclusive design for all abilities as well as enhancement on healthy living.
In addition, we also hope the initiative will help to raise awareness among stakeholders about the challenges encountered by the aged and the disabled in their living environment, and more important, the concept of home for all ages and abilities will become a trend in the market.
A Diversity of Housing Types to Address Accommodation Challenges
Over the years, the Housing Society has created a diversity of housing types to cater for the needs of people from all walks of life. In our portfolio, there were rental estates for the low- income families and subsidised sale flats at affordable prices for people aspired to be homeowners. We have also pioneered elderly developments integrated with service support to cater for different income groups: the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme for the middle-income elderly and The Tanner Hill for the high- end market. To support the elderly of our rental estates, an Ageing-in-Place Scheme was implemented to promote active ageing and well-being among elderly tenants. Harmony Place, a tower completed in 2014 comprising private apartments with elderly rental units in a single tower, was designed for intergenerational living.
房協期望從調查、訪問及聚焦小組會議所得 的數據及回饋能有助設計及促進發展具備適 合任何年齡的通用設計、包容性設計的住宅 單位,以及提升健康生活的居住環境。
此外,我們亦希望此舉有助持份者關注及了 解各年齡層及不同能力人士在居住環境方面 所面對的挑戰,而更重要的是,適合任何年 齡層及能力人士共居的住屋理念將成為市場 趨勢。
以種類多元的房屋項目 解決住屋難題
多年來,房協一直致力推出種類多元的房屋 項目,以滿足各階層人士的需要。房協為低 收入家庭提供出租屋邨,也以相宜價格為渴 望成為業主的人士提供資助出售房屋的選 擇。此外,我們率先推出結合支援服務的長 者發展項目,以滿足不同收入階層長者的需 要:例如專為中等收入長者而設的「長者安 居樂」住屋計劃、以及迎合高端市場而推出的
「雋悅」。為支援居於房協出租屋邨的長者, 我們推出「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃,向長 者租戶推廣積極、健康的樂齡生活。於二零 一四年落成的「樂融軒」是其中一例,該項目 設有私人單位及長者出租單位,以跨代共居 為設計理念。