Page 18 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 18
As a housing laboratory, we constantly identify and explore possible housing options to fill the gaps in housing demand, supply and services and to address the pressing housing challenges facing Hong Kong. As such, we will be carrying out further research and studies on different concepts and typologies of housing, including intergenerational living, to keep pace with the evolving needs of the population.
Partnering with the Government to Increase Flat Production
Land and housing shortage has been a chronic problem in Hong Kong. The issue has been more critical than ever given that a stronger demand for housing is anticipated with population increase and dwindling household sizes. According to Government statistics, the population is projected to increase from 7.5 million in 2021 to 8.1 million in 2041, and the average household size had been on a downward trend, from 2.9 in 2014 to 2.8 in 2016, followed by further reduction to 2.7 in 2021. Coupled with a rapidly ageing population, further planning is needed to provide suitable housing for this population sector.
These factors will inevitably place a greater burden on the housing market. In view of the challenges and constraints in securing sufficient land for housing development, we need to explore ways to unleash the potential of land and make best use of housing resources.
In this regard, we have been maximising the development potential with the redevelopment of existing rental estates, where plot ratios had not been fully utilised. By uplifting the plot ratios with redevelopment, capacity was increased with high-rise buildings. For example, the three-phased redevelopment of Ming Wah Dai Ha will provide 3,919 units upon completion, 750 units more than that provided in the original estate.
作為「房屋實驗室」,房協不斷物色及發掘 更多房屋項目,以填補市場需求、供應及服 務的缺口,並解決香港迫切的房屋問題。因 此,我們將對跨代共居等不同房屋理念及項 目進行更深入的研究及分析,以緊貼市民不 斷變化的住屋需求。
與政府合作 增加單位供應量
香港長期面臨土地及房屋短缺問題。隨著人 口增長及家庭人數減少,對房屋的需求進 一步增加,這方面的問題將越趨嚴峻。根 據政府統計數據,預測本港人口將由二零 二一年的七百五十萬人增加至二零四一年的 八百一十萬人,而平均家庭人數則呈下跌趨 勢,由二零一四年的二點九人減少至二零 一六年的二點八人,並進一步下降至二零 二一年的二點七人。鑒於人口老化加快,進 一步的規劃和為樂齡人口提供宜居環境更是 刻不容緩。
這些因素將無可避免地加重房屋市場的負 擔。鑑於要獲得充裕的土地作建屋發展別具 挑戰而限制亦多,我們需要拓闊釋放土地潛 力及更有效利用房屋資源。
就此,我們一直著重於重建地積比率未被充 分利用的現有出租屋邨,竭力善用並提高其 發展潛力。透過重建提高地積比率,改建後 的高層樓宇令住屋空間大幅增加。例如, 待明華大廈三期發展項目竣工後,將提供 三千九百一十九個單位,較原有屋邨增加達 七百五十個單位。