Page 68 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 68
Enhanced Rent Assistance Scheme
To provide more timely support to tenants who have difficulty paying rent, the Housing Society relaxed the criteria of the Rent Assistance Scheme (RAS) by allowing tenants receiving rent allowance under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to apply for the RAS as a supplement to their existing allowance within given criteria and provided that the total allowances should not exceed the amount of their monthly rent.
The RAS also extended benefits to tenants with a household income between 50 per cent to 75 per cent of the application waiting list income limit to apply for a 25 per cent rent reduction. During the year, the RAS saw a record high number of applications, with 851 applications recorded, and assistance granted to 802 cases.
Anti-Epidemic Fund
A one-off anti-epidemic fund set up with money raised by the matching donation campaign of the Housing Society was used to support residents of rental estates encountering difficulties due to the pandemic. A total of HK$418,890 was fully donated to 50 households in rental estates.
為了向有財政問題的租戶提供更適時援助, 房協放寬「租金援助計劃」條件,在指定條件 和津貼總額不超過每月租金的前提下,容許 領取綜合社會保障援助計劃下租金津貼的租 戶申請「租金援助計劃」,作為現有津貼的補 助。
此外,「租金援助計劃」將受惠群組擴展至 家庭收入介乎申請輪候者收入限額的百分之 五十至百分之七十五的租戶,讓他們申請 百分之二十五的租金減免。年內,計劃錄得 八百五十一份申請,其中八百零二宗個案的 援助審批獲通過。
房協透過配對捐款活動籌款設立一次性 「防疫抗疫基金」,款項用於支援因疫情而 面臨困境的出租屋邨住戶。合共四十一萬 八千八百九十港元已全數捐贈予五十名出租