Page 84 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 84
G r e e n h i l l V i l l a , M o u n t V e r d a n t a n d T e r r a c e C o n c e r t o
The three SSF projects were completed in 2019 and 2020, combined to provide a total of 1,640 units. Offered at discounted prices, the SSF projects of the Housing Society are positioned as units that carry ‘practical but not extravagant’ design at affordable prices for homebuyers.
Greenhill Villa in Sha Tin is Housing Society’s second SSF project after its debut project of the Greenview Villa in Tsing Yi. Greenhill Villa was presold in July 2016 and completed in February 2020, the three 35 to 38-storey towers offer a combined total of 1,020 one to three bedroom units with saleable area ranging from 34.88 to 68.89 square metres.
The 38-storey Mount Verdant in Tseung Kwan O has 330 one to three bedroom units with saleable area ranging from 25.21 to 63.58 square metres. With the Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station in close proximity, the development is supported by the nearby large shopping malls, wet market, sports complex and library, where shopping and leisure facilities are within reach.
「 綠 怡 雅 苑 」、「 翠 嶺 峰 」及 「 翠 鳴 臺 」
此三個資助出售房屋項目於二零一九年及二 零二零年落成,合共提供一千六百四十個單 位。房協轄下的資助出售房屋項目以折扣價 發售,旨在為買家提供價格相宜、設計「實而 不華」的單位。
位於沙田的「綠怡雅苑」是房協繼青衣「綠悠 雅苑」項目後推出的第二個資助出售房屋項 目。「綠怡雅苑」於二零一六年七月預售, 並於二零二零年二月落成,三座三十五至 三十八層高的大廈合共提供一千零二十個一 房至三房單位,實用面積介乎三十四點八八 至六十八點八九平方米。
位於將軍澳樓高三十八層的「翠嶺峰」擁有 三百三十個一房至三房單位,實用面積介乎 二十五點二一至六十三點五八平方米。由於 毗鄰調景嶺港鐵站,該項目可享鄰近大型購 物商場、街市、體育館和圖書館等配套,購 物及休閒設施一應俱全。