Page 93 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 93
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for on-site workers is of paramount importance and the first priority for the Housing Society in upholding occupational safety and as a caring developer.
To combat COVID-19 hand-in-hand with our contractors, we have asked our working partners to take all necessary precautionary measures including arranging mobile testing teams to site, regular COVID-19 tests for construction workers before site entry.
In 2020/21, the Housing Society has dedicated support to the ‘Life First’ Safety Campaign of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) by carrying out five-day site safety review and promotion activities at the Pak Wo Road and Ming Wah Dai Ha project sites, which were under construction. Senior management staff were engaged to deliver site safety messages to the workers on site, and solutions to improve site safety were made after review of site operation and risk management.
In addition, the Housing Society conducted 13 site safety workshops, 15 risk management workshops and seven integrity workshops during the year. Seven independent site safety audits were undertaken by the Occupational Safety and Health Council. A safety incentive scheme was implemented to reward on-site construction safety practices. Under the scheme, site workers with satisfactory safety practices are presented with awards in the form of incentives and recognition. As a result of these efforts, the average accident rate per thousand workers at our construction sites was 3.7.
為地盤工人提供安全健康的工作環境對房協 至關重要,也是房協注重職業安全和踐行關 愛發展商承諾的首要任務。
為與承建商攜手對抗新冠肺炎疫情,我們已 要求合作夥伴採取一切必要的預防措施,包 括在工地安排流動檢測團隊及定期在建築工 人進入工地前進行新冠肺炎病毒測試。
於二零二零╱二一年度,房協在正進行施工 的百和路和明華大廈項目工地進行為期五日 的工地安全檢討與推廣活動,以全力支持建 造業議會的「生命第一」安全運動。高級管理 層應邀到工地與工人分享工地安全訊息,並 在檢討工地營運和風險管理後給予提升工地 安全的解決方案。
此外,房協於本年度舉辦十三場工地安全工 作坊、十五場風險管理工作坊,以及七場誠 信工作坊。而職業安全健康局亦舉辦七次獨 立工地安全稽核。房協推行安全獎勵計劃以 表揚地盤工人注重建築安全的行為。計劃向 遵守工地安全並有良好安全意識的地盤工人 提供獎賞以作鼓勵及嘉許。由於推行這些措 施,房協建築工地的平均意外率僅為每千名 工人三點七宗。
Housing Society supports 'Life First' Safety Campaign.