In serving our residents, the Housing Society greatly emphasises building an amicable and sustainable living environment through proactive infrastructure enhancement and programmes for community building.

Serving >119,000 residents in rental estates and managed properties

Making Property Management More Sustainable

HK$148 million committed for 47 major improvement projects across all estates

Piloting cloud-based IoT-integrated facilities management platform at Kwun Lung Lau

>30,000 residential and commercial tenants as well as flat owners enjoy AlipayHK e-wallet bill payment sevices

Caring for Our Tenants

1-year waiver for extra rent resulting from rent review 2022

HK$11.5 million rent assistance offered to 831 households

CES (Caring, Engaging and Smart) Team

>860 tenant volunteers and nearly 440 collaborating partners
Handled nearly 1,000 cases and referrals
Offered regular support to 914 elderly households
Scholarships awarded to 119 students from rental estates since 2014

Commercial Property Management

Occupancy rate >98%

Around 500 eligible commercial tenants were granted rent concession