Page 244 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 244
27. segment information 27. 分部資料
The Housing Society’s reportable segments are strategic 分部資料主要是以房屋協會的各種商品
business units that offer different products and services, 及服務的策略業務個體分類而擬備。各
and managed separately based on required professional 項業務所須的專業知識及策略不同,所
knowledge and strategies. All assets and customers are 以是獨立管理。所有資產及客戶均在香
located in Hong Kong. Types of products and services are 港。下列為各種商品及服務的種類:
set out below:
Property sales Develop properties for sales 物業出售 發展物業作出售用途
Rental estates Lease and manage own rental 屋邨住宅租賃 出租及管理自資屋邨
domestic leasing estates properties including 物業包括住宅
residential flats
Commercial leasing Lease and manage own properties 商業租賃 出租及管理自資物業
including office, shops and carparks 包括寫字樓、商舖及
Elderly housing Lease and manage own elderly 長者房屋租賃 出租及管理自資長者
leasing housing properties 房屋物業
Investments Invest in security markets and time 投資 買賣證券及債券及定
deposits to preserve the value of 期存款以保存資本的
capital 價值
Other operations Provide building management 其他營運 向私人及公共屋苑提
service to private and public housing 供樓宇管理服務及貸
estates and grant top up loans to 款給自建住宅買家
buyers of own-developed domestic