Page 25 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 25
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
Project Development
The Housing Society is mindful of the carbon footprint inherent to our development projects’ building life cycle. We have adopted a variety of energy efficient designs and installations in our development projects for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, we take into account the building’s orientation during daylight hours, solar shading and glazing properties, and adopt passive design strategies to reduce the cooling and lighting demand of our buildings.
Property and Office Management
The Housing Society makes every effort to minimise energy consumption when managing our properties and offices. With our managed properties being the largest source of energy consumption, we strive to enhance their equipment, operating systems, and procedures continuously. In the reporting year, the Housing Society carried out major improvement works (MIWs) to maximise energy efficiency, including the following MIWs of which were committed, are in progress or have completed:
房協在規劃房屋項目時,會將建築物生命週 期各階段的碳足跡納入考慮。我們已在發展 項目中採用多種節能設計和設備,以減少溫 室氣體排放。例如,我們會考慮建築物的座 向,就日照時段、日光、遮蔭和玻璃的特性 作出減少建築物製冷和人工照明需求的被動 式設計。
房協致力減少在物業管理及辦公室運作中的 用電量。作為房協用電量最大的核心業務, 我們在管理物業時持續引入能源效益更佳的 設備、運作系統及營運程序。於報告期內, 房協實施了多個能源效益改善工程,包括以 下我們已經立項、正在進行或已完成的工程:
Replacement of water pumps with higher efficiency motors: 更換水泵時採用有較高效能電動機的 水泵:
Replacement of lifts/escalators with new models using the Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (“VVVF”) drive system: 將舊式升降機╱自動電梯更換為採用變壓變頻驅 動系統的新型號產品:
Jat Min Chuen 乙明邨
Ka Wai Chuen 家維邨
Kwun Lung Lau 觀龍樓
Kwun Tong Garden Estate 觀塘花園大廈 Lai Tak Tsuen 勵德邨
Lok Man Sun Chuen 樂民新村
Bo Shek Mansion 寶石大廈 Cho Yiu Chuen 祖堯邨
Jat Min Chuen 乙明邨
Kwun Tong Garden Estate 觀塘花園大廈