Page 26 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 26
Replacement of light-emitting diodes (“LED”) at staircases, corridors and outdoor areas: 更換樓梯、走廊及室外範圍的發光 二極管:
Provision of electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities:
In support of the Government’s policy to promote a wider use of electric vehicles, we have gradually installed more medium chargers at existing carparks and pioneered the use of new charging technology by reserving dedicated facilities exclusively for electric vehicles. Over 37 parking spaces with EV charging facilities are available in 20 carparks under the Housing Society’s management.
為響應政府推廣電動車使用的政策,我們 已逐步在現有停車場安裝更多中速充電 器,並率先使用新式充電技術,為電動車 提供專用充電設施。於房協轄下的二十個 停車場中,有超過三十七個車位裝有電動 車充電設施。
Cho Yiu Chuen 祖堯邨 Kwun Lung Lau 觀龍樓 Lai Tak Tsuen 勵德邨 Lok Man Sun Chuen 樂民新村 Sha Tau Kok Chuen 沙頭角邨
Replacement of chillers with oil-free centrifugal chillers of higher energy efficiency: 把傳統冷水機組更換為具備更佳能源 效益的無油離心式冷水機組:
Kai Tak Garden 啟德花園
At our office premises, we have gradually opt for high-efficiency LED light panels and installed motion sensors to minimise energy wastage. In the reporting period, office enhancement works including the replacement of fluorescent tubes with LED at Dragon Centre Office are completed. Also at the new King's Road 1063 Operations Headquarters, all areas have installed LED lighting, lower partitions are also adopted for better air circulation, thus reducing the demand for air conditioning. In addition, centralised waste and recycle stations are adopted at the new office to encourage waste reduction and recycling.
Our offices and managed properties also actively participate in various energy-saving initiatives, such as the “Energy Saving Charter”launchedbytheEnvironmentBureauandtheElectrical and Mechanical Services Department, Green Sense’s “No Air Con Night” and the World Wide Fund’s “Earth Hour”, encouraging our stakeholders to take a step further in energy conservation.
在辦公室管理方面,我們已逐步安裝高效能 的二極管照明系統及動態感應器,盡可能減 少能源浪費。於報告期內,已經完成的辦公 室改善工程包括將龍濤苑辦事處的熒光燈管 更換為發光二極管。此外,英皇道1063號營 運總部的所有區域都使用二極管照明;隔牆 高度亦已降低以促進空氣流通,從而減少對 空調的需求。新辦事處亦會採用中央廢棄物 及回收站以鼓勵減少廢物及循環回收。
節能計劃,例如環境局和機電工程署舉辦的 「節能約章計劃」、環保觸覺的「無冷氣夜」及 世界自然基金會的「地球一小時」等,鼓勵持