Page 31 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 31
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
Water is a precious resource. The Housing Society endeavours to minimise water use via facility upgrades and wastewater recycling. We appeal to personal responsibility in the stewardship of natural resources, by reminding our stakeholders of the benefits of mindful water usage, in the hope of fostering green habits in our daily lives.
Project Development
The Housing Society has improved its management of water resources by fielding a variety of incisive measures, including the adoption of water efficient shower heads, taps, sink mixers and basin mixers with Water Efficiency Labels, as well as the installation of rainwater harvesting systems. Construction wastewater is also recycled at our construction sites for vehicle wheel washing and other construction activities.
水是珍貴的資源,因此房協透過改善物業內 的設施及重用廢水,減少總用水量。我們呼 籲各持份者在保護自然資源方面承擔個人責 任,提醒他們留意水資源使用量,希望大家 在日常生活中養成環保習慣。
房協採取了多種有效措施改善水資源管理, 包括採用有「用水效益標籤」的節水花灑頭、 水龍頭、水槽龍頭和浴缸龍頭,以及在屋苑 安裝雨水回收系統。我們亦會於建築地盤中 回收工地廢水,經處理後用於清洗車輪及其 他施工用途。
Aerobic Wastewater Treatment System (Anderson Road Quarry R2-2 site)
Property and Office Management
We closely monitor the water consumption level of our managed properties and office. Apart from using water-efficient sanitary fittings, we place “Save Water” stickers near taps to remind staff to turn off faucets. To prevent wastage due to water leakage, we conduct periodic checks and maintenance of water plumbing system at our managed properties. We are also exploring the use of Internet of Thing (IoT) technology to identify water leakage due to pipe cracks.
我們密切監測房協管理物業及辦公室的用水 量。除使用節水衛生設施外,我們於水龍頭 旁邊貼上「節省用水」標示以提醒員工將水龍 頭關上。為避免因漏水而造成浪費,我們定 期對管理物業的水管系統進行檢查及維修。 我們亦正研究使用物聯網技術來識別管道破 裂導致的漏水。