Page 33 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 33
Elderly with better affordability
Quality Elderly Housing Projects
Middle-income group
Senior Citizen Residences Scheme
Low-income group
Ageing-in Place (AIP) Scheme
Elderly Persons' Flats
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
Population ageing in Hong Kong is accelerating on an unprecedented scale. As a pioneer of housing solutions and related services, the Housing Society is charged with addressing the subsequent housing needs, so that the elderly are sufficiently supported with community care and services to live with dignity in their senior years.
To help the elderly from across the different socio-economic backgrounds to achieve “ageing in place”, we have developed the corresponding housing projects and schemes to fulfil their housing needs. We strive to foster a welcoming and elderly- friendly environment so that our tenants and residents can stay in their homes as far as possible, promoting the senses of security, belonging and worthiness.
香港人口正以前所未見的速度續漸老化。房 協作為提供房屋及相關服務的先行者,肩負 著滿足長者日後住屋需求的責任,好讓他們 獲得足夠的社區關愛及服務,並有尊嚴地安 享晚年。
為協助不同社會經濟背景的長者實現「居家安 老」,我們制定了相應的房屋項目和計劃,以 滿足他們的住屋需求。我們致力營造一個親 切及長者友善的環境,延長租戶和居民在自 身居所居住的時間,並提升他們的安全感、 歸屬感和價值感。