Page 38 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 38
Case Study 案例分享
Integrating novel age-friendly technologies and concepts in ERC
To keep up-to-date with the changing users’ needs and technology, the ERC has completed a major revamp in 2020 to enhance exhibition contents, tour options, training and consultation services. As part of the renovation process, ERC engaged the elderly, caregivers, occupational therapists, designers and students studying architecture through a co-design workshop, exchanging experience and knowledge in developing new elderly-friendly show flats. New features of ERC include:
「長者安居資源中心」已於二零二零年完成全面翻新,引進更豐富的展覽內容、導賞團、培訓和諮詢服務,以緊貼科技及用 戶不斷變化的需求。為籌備「長者安居資源中心」的翻新計劃,我們舉辦了共創工作坊,邀請長者用戶、照顧者、職業治療 師、設計師及建築學系學生等,交流發展新一代「樂齡安樂窩」的經驗及知識。「長者安居資源中心」的新增項目包括:
Two show flats with sizes of 150 and 200 square feet designed with the ideas collected from the co-design workshop, illustrating how gerontechnology and age- friendly design can facilitate the daily living of independent elderly and relatively more dependent elderly in a compact living environment.
兩個面積分別為150平方呎的「齡 活家居」和200平方呎的「樂活家 居」,設計靈感來自共創工作坊, 展示了樂齡科技及設計如何在緊湊 的生活環境中促進獨立長者和相對 需要照顧的長者的日常生活。
Five thematic Health Exploration Tours are designed to offer advice to create a more age- friendly living environment.
The elderly can join the health screening session to test their body functions, including brain health, visual health, joint health, sarcopenia and fall prevention.
五個主題健康探索團,為長者提供 建議,以創造更適合長者的生活環 境。長者可參加健康篩查,以測試 他們的身體機能,包括大腦健康、 視力健康、關節健康、肌肉減少症 及預防跌倒。
An "Explor-age Zone" for young generations to understand the ageing process, the essentials of an age-friendly home, and the functions of gerontechnology through virtual facilities, augmented reality and mobile applications.
「耆妙生活展區」藉虛擬設施、 擴增實境及流動應用程式,讓年 輕一代了解老化過程、基本的長 者友善家居以及樂齡科技的功 能。