Page 39 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 39
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
The Housing Society strives to foster the community’s well-being by bringing our residents together within a vibrant neighbourhood. Through engagement activities and scholarships, we develop stronger intergenerational connections and promote inclusiveness in the community, thereby creating the ideal place for residents of all ages to grow up and grow old.
Housing Society Community
The Housing Society Community (HSC) was established in 2003 to connect residents in our rental estates and managed properties together. By organising a wide range of leisure and volunteer activities, HSC fosters a sense of belonging and social network within the neighbourhood.
HSC also invests in nurturing our young residents by providing scholarships to encourage the pursuit of academic excellence. Based on the recipients’ performance in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, the HSC Scholarship Programme awards HK$5,000 to students with good results, and provide bonus scholarships to those attaining outstanding results.
房協積極為社區注入活力,推動睦鄰互助關 愛,促進社區健康發展。透過社區活動和獎 學金,我們致力促進跨代共融,締造互相包 容的和諧社區,進而為各年齡層的居民提供 理想的成長和安老場所。
「房協之友」於二零零三年成立,旨在讓出租 屋邨及代管物業的居民能融洽相處。「房協之 友」透過多元化的休閒及義工活動,促進居民 對社區的歸屬感和擴闊其社區內的社交網絡。
「房協之友」亦提供獎學金予年輕居民,鼓勵 他們勤奮向學。「房協之友獎學金」表揚於香 港中學文憑考試獲得理想成績的同學,向他 們頒發五千港元的獎學金以示鼓勵。成績優 異的學生更會獲得額外獎學金。
Highlights of the Year 年度摘要
Community Activities
• 441 community activities and events were organised for more than 98,800 participants
• 為逾九萬八千八百名參加者舉辦了四百 四十一個社區活動
HSC Scholarship
• 10 young residents from eight rental estates received HSC Scholarship with one outstanding results of over 30 points granted the “Award for Excellence”
• 十名來自八個出租屋邨的年輕住戶獲頒 「房協之友獎學金」,其中一人以三十分 以上的優異成績獲頒「優秀獎」