Page 42 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 42
Outreach Education Programme
To inspire future leaders in tackling housing issues in Hong Kong, we have organised various educational initiatives and youth development programmes to instil the Housing Society’s mission in the younger generation. In the reporting year, we have engaged over 1,600 teachers and students in knowledge sharing. Due to the pandemic, we also utilise our online education platform “HS e-Academy” which recorded a hit rate of over 160,000 in this reporting year.
為鼓勵未來領袖關注香港的房屋問題,我們舉辦 了多項教育活動和青年發展計劃,向年輕一代傳 達房協的使命。於報告期內,我們跟逾一千六百 名師生分享知識。面對疫情,我們亦推出網上教 學平台「房協學苑」,於本報告期內點擊率突破 十六萬。
H K H S G e r o n t e c h C o m p e t i t i o n
We organised the HKHS Gerontech Competition to promote the gerontechnology and intergenerational harmony concepts, as well as to support STEM education. Workshops, experts sharings as well as visits were organised to enhance students’ understanding of technology and the needs of the elderly during the seven-month contest. More than 750 students from nearly 150 teams participated in this competition.
「 創 科 樂 『 耆 』中 」樂 齡 科 技 設 計 比 賽
我們舉辦了「創科樂『耆』中」樂齡科技設計比賽, 支持STEM教育,並推廣樂齡科技及長幼共融的 概念。在為期七個月的比賽中,我們舉辦了工作 坊、專家交流會以及參觀活動,以加深學生對科 技的認識及了解長者的需要。來自近一百五十個 團隊的七百五十多名學生參加了這次比賽。