Page 41 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 41
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
Hong Kong Housing Society Academy Alumni Club
Set up in July 2019, the Hong Kong Housing Society Academy Alumni Club (“Alumni Club”) acts as an exchange platform for the past awardees of various scholarship and bursaries schemes of the Housing Society (including Hong Kong Housing Society Awards, HSC Scholarship and Scholarship and Bursary Award Scheme for Employee’s Children). The Alumni Club aims to promote the continuous growth of its members by providing professional development and volunteering opportunities, thus grooming the youths to be future leaders.
房協於二零一九年七月成立「房協獎學金同學 會 」(「 同 學 會 」), 作 為 凝 聚 歷 屆 房 協 各 獎 學 金計劃得獎者(包括「房協獎助學金計劃」、
「房協之友獎學金」及「房協員工子女獎╱助 學金計劃」)的平台。透過專業發展活動和義 工服務,同學會旨在推動成員的持續成長及 培育他們成為明日領袖。
In the reporting year, four professional development and 18 community service programmes were held for Alumni Club members, with 1,381 service hours benefitting over 4,700 people.
於報告期內,我們為同學會成員舉辦了四項專業發展及十八項社區服務活動,服務時數達 一千三百八十一個小時,受惠人數超過四千七百人。
Used Book Recycling Campaign
The Alumni Club launched the “Used Book Recycling Campaign” social service programme to promote the reading habit of children and students. Over 5,000 books were collected across our estates and managed properties and donated to the children from underprivileged families through 10 NGOs, benefitting
over 800 people.
Besides, members of the Alumni Club also hosted three online story-telling sessions for 90 children to share the joy of reading
同學會推出「舊書回收」社會服務計劃,讓兒童及 學生養成閱讀習慣。我們在轄下屋邨及代管物業 共回收超過五千本書,並透過十個非政府組織捐 贈給弱勢社群家庭的兒童,惠澤八百多人。
此外,同學會成員亦舉辦了三次 網上講故事活動,與九十名小朋 友分享了閱讀的樂趣。