Page 140 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 140
Notes to the Financial Statements
2.3 Issued but not yet effective Hong Kong 2.3 已頒布但未生效之香港財務
Financial Reporting Standards (continued) 報告準則 ᚃ
HKFRS 9 香港財務報告準則第九號
In September 2014, the HKICPA issued the final version of HKFRS 9, ɚཧɓ̬ϋɘ˜d࠰ಥึࠇࢪʮึ
bringing together all phases of the financial instruments project to ̺࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋɘٙ௰
replace HKAS 39 and all previous versions of HKFRS 9. The standard و͉dිණৌਕʈՈධͦٙהϞචݬ
introduces new requirements for classification and measurement, ˸՟˾࠰ಥึࠇۆୋɧɤɘ˸ʿ
impairment and hedge accounting. The Housing Society will adopt ࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋɘٙΌۃ
HKFRS 9 from 1 April 2018. The Housing Society will not restate و͉f༈ۆˏɝʱᗳʿࠇඎeಯ࠽
comparative information and will recognise any transition ʿ࿁әึࠇஈଣٙอ֛fג܊ึ
adjustments against the opening balance of equity at 1 April 2018. ਗ਼Іɚཧɓɞϋ̬˜ɓ˚ৎમॶ࠰ಥ
During the year, the Housing Society has performed a detailed ৌਕజѓۆୋɘf͉ϋܓdג܊
assessment of the impact of the adoption of HKFRS 9. The expected ึ൙Пəᗫમॶ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ
impacts relate to the classification and measurement and the ۆୋɘٙᅂᚤfཫಂᅂᚤऒʿʱᗳ
impairment requirements are summarised as follows: ʿࠇඎၾಯ࠽֛d฿ࠑνɨj
(a) Classification and measurement (a) 分類及計量
The Housing Society does not expect that the adoption of ג܊ึཫࠇમॶ࠰ಥৌਕజ
HKFRS 9 will have a significant impact on the classification and ѓۆୋɘਗ਼ʔึ࿁Չৌਕ
measurement of its financial assets. It expects to continue ༟ପٙʱᗳʿࠇඎପ͛ࠠɽᅂ
measuring at fair value all financial assets currently held at fair ᚤfཫࠇՉਗ਼ᘱᚃ˸ʮʪᄆ࠽
value. ࠇඎՉͦۃܲʮʪᄆ࠽ܵϞٙ
(b) Impairment (b) 減࠽
HKFRS 9 requires an impairment on debt instruments recorded ࠰ಥৌਕజѓۆୋɘ֛
at amortised cost or at fair value through other comprehensive ˸ᛅቖϓ͉אʮʪᄆ࠽ࠇɝՉ
income, lease receivables, loan commitments and financial ˼ΌࠦϗूٙවਕʈՈeॡ༣
guarantee contracts that are not accounted for at fair value Ꮠϗಛධe൲ಛוዄʿ࣬ኽ࠰
through profit or loss under HKFRS 9, to be recorded based on ಥৌਕజѓۆୋɘʔܲʮ
an expected credit loss model either on a twelve-month basis ʪᄆ࠽ࠇɝฦूٙৌਕዄڭΥ
or a lifetime basis. The Housing Society will apply the simplified Νٙಯ࠽dᏐਿɤɚࡈ˜א
approach and record lifetime expected losses that are Όಂਿܲཫಂڦ͜ฦ̰ᅼό
estimated based on the present values of all cash shortfalls ࠇɝfג܊ึਗ਼༶͜ᔊʷٙ
over the remaining life of all of its accounts receivables. ˙جdԨਿהϞᏐϗሪධ௵
Furthermore, the Housing Society will apply the general Ϥ̮dג܊ึਗ਼Ꮠ͜ɓছ˙
approach and record twelve-month expected credit losses that جԨਿ͊Ըɤɚࡈ˜ʫג܊
are estimated based on the possible default events on its other ึՉ˼Ꮠϗಛධ̙ঐʘ༼ߒ
receivables within the next twelve months. ԫהПࠇʘɤɚࡈ˜ཫಂڦ
138 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2017/18