Page 143 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 143

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

               2.3  Issued but not yet effective Hong Kong                 2.3  已頒布但未生效之香港財務

                    Financial Reporting Standards (continued)                   報告準則 €ᚃ
                    HKFRS 16                                                    香港財務報告準則第十六號

                    HKFRS 16, issued in May 2016, replaces HKAS 17 Leases, HK(IFRIC)-Int   ࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋɤʬ໮׵ɚཧ
                    4 Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease, HK(SIC)-Int   ɓʬϋʞ˜཯̺d՟˾࠰ಥึࠇ๟ۆ
                    15 Operating Leases — Incentives and HK(SIC)-Int 27 Evaluating the   ୋɤɖ໮ॡ༣e࠰ಥ€਷ყৌਕజѓ
                    Substance of Transactions Involving the Legal Form of a Lease. The   ༕ᙑ։ࡰึÑ༕ᙑୋ̬໮ᔾ֛τર
                    standard sets out the principles for the recognition, measurement,   ݊щܼ̍ॡ༣e࠰ಥ€๟ۆ༕ᙑ։ࡰ
                    presentation and disclosure of leases and requires lessees to   ึÑ༕ᙑୋɤʞ໮຾ᐄॡ༣  —  Ꮄ౉
                    recognise assets and liabilities for most leases. The standard includes   ʿ࠰ಥ€๟ۆ༕ᙑ։ࡰึÑ༕ᙑୋ
                    two recognition exemptions for lessees — leases of low-value assets   ɚɤɖ໮൙Пऒʿॡ༣جܛҖόʹ׸
                    and short-term leases. At the commencement date of a lease, a lessee   ٙʫ࢙f༈๟ۆ༱ΐᆽႩeࠇඎeя
                    will recognise a liability to make lease payments (i.e., the lease   ΐʿמᚣॡ༣ٙࡡۆdԨࠅӋוॡɛ
                    liability) and an asset representing the right to use the underlying   ఱɽεᅰॡ༣ᆽႩ༟ପʿࠋවf༈๟
                    asset during the lease term (i.e., the right-of-use asset). The right-of-  ۆܼ̍ഗʚוॡɛՇධॡ༣ᆽႩᒀе
                    use asset is subsequently measured at cost less accumulated   ̙Զ፯኿  —   Эᄆ࠽༟ପॡ༣ʿ೵ಂ
                    depreciation and any impairment losses unless the right-of-use asset   ॡ༣f׵ॡ༣ක֐˚ಂdוॡɛਗ਼ᆽ
                    meets the definition of investment property in HKAS 40, or relates to   Ⴉ׵ॡ༣ಂЪ̈ॡ༣˹ಛމࠋව€у
                    class of property, plant and equipment to which the revaluation   ॡ༣ࠋවʿ˾ڌ̙Դ͜޴ᗫ༟ପٙ
                    model is applied. The lease liability is subsequently increased to   ᛆлމ༟ପ€уϞԴ͜ᛆ༟ପfৰڢ
                    reflect the interest on the lease liability and reduced for the lease   ϞԴ͜ᛆ༟ପୌΥ࠰ಥึࠇ๟ۆୋ
                    payments. Lessees will be required to separately recognise the   ̬ɤ໮ҳ༟يุ່֛ٙdאऒʿᏐ͜
                    interest expense on the lease liability and the depreciation expense   ࠠПᅼۨٙيุʿண௪ᗳйdϞԴ͜
                    on the right-of-use asset. Lessees will also be required to remeasure   ᛆ༟ପՉܝܲϓ͉ಯଢ଼ࠇұᔚʿ΂О
                    the lease liability upon the occurrence of certain events, such as   ঃ႙ᑦฦࠇඎfॡ༣ࠋවՉܝึఱˀ
                    change in the lease term and change in future lease payments   ݈ॡ༣ࠋවлࢹϾᄣ̋ʿΪॡ༣˹ಛ
                    resulting from a change in an index or rate used to determine those   Ͼಯˇfוॡɛਗ਼඲ʱйᆽႩॡ༣ࠋ
                    payments.                                                   වٙлࢹක˕ʿϞԴ͜ᛆ༟ପٙұᔚ

                    Lessees will generally recognise the amount of the remeasurement of   וॡɛɓছਗ਼ࠠอࠇඎॡ༣ࠋවٙᅰ
                    the lease liability as an adjustment to the right-of-use asset. Lessor   ᕘᆽႩމϞԴ͜ᛆ༟ପٙሜ዆f࠰ಥ
                    accounting under HKFRS 16 is substantially unchanged from the   ৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋɤʬ໮ɽߧض͜࠰ಥ
                    accounting under HKAS 17. Lessors will continue to classify all leases   ึࠇ๟ۆୋɤɖ໮ʫ̈ॡɛٙึࠇஈ
                    using the same classification principle as in HKAS 17 and distinguish   ଣ˙όf̈ॡɛਗ਼ᘱᚃԴ͜ၾ࠰ಥึ
                    between operating leases and finance leases. HKFRS 16 requires   ࠇ๟ۆୋɤɖ໮޴Νٙʱᗳࡡۆ࿁ה
                    lessees and lessors to make more extensive disclosures than under   Ϟॡ༣ආБʱᗳdԨਗ਼ʘʱމ຾ᐄॡ
                    HKAS 17.                                                    ༣ʿፄ༟ॡ༣f࠰ಥৌਕజѓ๟ۆୋ

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