Page 151 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 151

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

               2.4  Summary of significant accounting policies             2.4  主要會計政策概要€ᚃ

                    Financial instruments (continued)                           財務工具€ᚃ
                    (c)   Financial liabilities other than loans from           (c)   政府貸款以外的財務負債

                        Financial liabilities (including accounts payable and accruals)   ִ݁൲ಛ˸̮ٙৌਕࠋව€ܼ̍
                        other than loans from government are subsequently measured   Ꮠ˹ሪධʿᏐࠇධͦ݊˸ྼყ
                        at amortised cost, using the effective interest method.     лࢹجίՉܝϋܓ࣬ኽᛅቖϓ

                    (d)  Financial guarantee contracts                          (d)   財務保證合約
                        A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the   ৌਕڭᗇΥߒɗࠅӋ೯Бɛఱ
                        issuer to make specific payments to reimburse the holder for a   ڭᗇܵϞɛΪܸ֛වਕɛ͊ঐ
                        loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment   ࣬ኽවਕʈՈٙࡡϞא຾ࡌࠈ
                        when due in accordance with the original or modified terms of   ૢಛ˕˹ՑಂಛධϾႆաฦ̰
                        a debt instrument. A financial guarantee contract issued by the   ࣛdΣܵϞɛᎵ˹ܸ֛ಛධٙ
                        Housing Society and not designated as at fair value through   Υߒfג܊՘ึה೯̈ٙৌਕ
                        profit or loss is subsequently measured at the higher of: (i) the   ڭᗇΥߒdӚϞ஗ܸ֛މ׵ฦ
                        amount determined in accordance with HKAS 37 — Provisions,   ूሪ˸ʮʪᄆ࠽ஈଣdՉܝٙ
                        contingent liabilities and contingent assets; and (ii) the amount   ڭᗇᅰᕘึܲ˸ɨՇ٫ʘග༰
                        initially recognised less, when appropriate, cumulative     ৷ΐሪj(i)ܲ࠰ಥึࠇ๟ۆୋ
                        amortisation recognised in accordance with HKAS 18 Revenue.  ɧɤɖ໮  —  ๟௪eא್ࠋවʿ
                                                                                    אϞ༟ପ ஝֛ࠇၑʘᄆ࠽iձ
                                                                                    (ii) ܲ࠰ಥึࠇ๟ۆୋɤɞ໮  —
                                                                                    ᐄุϗɝ ˸௰ڋᆽႩᄆ࠽ίቇ

                    (e)  Derecognition                                          (e)   取消確認
                        Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive   ߰੽༟ପϗ՟ତږݴඎʘᛆл
                        cash flows from the assets expire or, the financial assets are   ʊՑಂdאৌਕ༟ପʊᔷᜫʿ
                        transferred and the Housing Society has transferred         ג܊՘ึʊਗ਼Չ׵ৌਕ༟ପኹ
                        substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the   Ϟᛆʘഒɽ௅ʱࠬᎈʿΫజᔷ
                        financial assets. On derecognition of a financial asset, the   ୅dۆৌਕ༟ପਗ਼஗՟ऊᆽႩf
                        difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the sum of   ׵՟ऊᆽႩৌਕ༟ପࣛd༟ପ
                        the consideration received is recognised in the comprehensive   ሪࠦ࠽ၾʊϗ˾ᄆʘࢨᕘdਗ਼
                        income.                                                     ׵ΌࠦϗूʫᆽႩf

                        Financial liabilities are removed from the Housing Society’s   ຅ৌਕࠋවΥߒʘत֛ப΂ᐏ
                        statement of financial position when the obligation specified in   ༆ৰe՟ऊאՑಂd༈ࠋවึ
                        the relevant contract is discharged or cancelled or expires. The   ஗՟ऊᆽႩʿίג܊՘ึٙৌ
                        difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability   ਕًرڌʕ஗мৰf՟ऊᆽႩ
                        derecognised and the consideration paid, including any      ʘৌਕࠋවሪࠦ࠽ၾʊ˹˾ᄆ
                        non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed, is recognised   ʘࢨᕘdܼ̍΂Оڢତږ༟ପ
                        in the comprehensive income.                                אࠋවוዄdɗ׵Όࠦϗूʫ
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