Page 151 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 151
Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註
2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies 2.4 主要會計政策概要ᚃ
Financial instruments (continued) 財務工具ᚃ
(c) Financial liabilities other than loans from (c) 政府貸款以外的財務負債
Financial liabilities (including accounts payable and accruals) ִ݁൲ಛ˸̮ٙৌਕࠋවܼ̍
other than loans from government are subsequently measured Ꮠ˹ሪධʿᏐࠇධͦ݊˸ྼყ
at amortised cost, using the effective interest method. лࢹجίՉܝϋܓ࣬ኽᛅቖϓ
(d) Financial guarantee contracts (d) 財務保證合約
A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the ৌਕڭᗇΥߒɗࠅӋ೯Бɛఱ
issuer to make specific payments to reimburse the holder for a ڭᗇܵϞɛΪܸ֛වਕɛ͊ঐ
loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment ࣬ኽවਕʈՈٙࡡϞאࡌࠈ
when due in accordance with the original or modified terms of ૢಛ˕˹ՑಂಛධϾႆաฦ̰
a debt instrument. A financial guarantee contract issued by the ࣛdΣܵϞɛᎵ˹ܸ֛ಛධٙ
Housing Society and not designated as at fair value through Υߒfג܊ึה೯̈ٙৌਕ
profit or loss is subsequently measured at the higher of: (i) the ڭᗇΥߒdӚϞܸ֛މฦ
amount determined in accordance with HKAS 37 — Provisions, ूሪ˸ʮʪᄆ࠽ஈଣdՉܝٙ
contingent liabilities and contingent assets; and (ii) the amount ڭᗇᅰᕘึܲ˸ɨՇ٫ʘග༰
initially recognised less, when appropriate, cumulative ৷ΐሪj(i)ܲ࠰ಥึࠇۆୋ
amortisation recognised in accordance with HKAS 18 Revenue. ɧɤɖ — ௪eא್ࠋවʿ
אϞ༟ପ ֛ࠇၑʘᄆ࠽iձ
(ii) ܲ࠰ಥึࠇۆୋɤɞ —
ᐄุϗɝ ˸௰ڋᆽႩᄆ࠽ίቇ
(e) Derecognition (e) 取消確認
Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive ߰༟ପϗ՟ତږݴඎʘᛆл
cash flows from the assets expire or, the financial assets are ʊՑಂdאৌਕ༟ପʊᔷᜫʿ
transferred and the Housing Society has transferred ג܊ึʊਗ਼Չৌਕ༟ପኹ
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the ϞᛆʘഒɽʱࠬᎈʿΫజᔷ
financial assets. On derecognition of a financial asset, the dۆৌਕ༟ପਗ਼՟ऊᆽႩf
difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the sum of ՟ऊᆽႩৌਕ༟ପࣛd༟ପ
the consideration received is recognised in the comprehensive ሪࠦ࠽ၾʊϗ˾ᄆʘࢨᕘdਗ਼
income. ΌࠦϗूʫᆽႩf
Financial liabilities are removed from the Housing Society’s ৌਕࠋවΥߒʘत֛பᐏ
statement of financial position when the obligation specified in ༆ৰe՟ऊאՑಂd༈ࠋවึ
the relevant contract is discharged or cancelled or expires. The ՟ऊᆽႩʿίג܊ึٙৌ
difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability ਕًرڌʕмৰf՟ऊᆽႩ
derecognised and the consideration paid, including any ʘৌਕࠋවሪࠦ࠽ၾʊ˹˾ᄆ
non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed, is recognised ʘࢨᕘdܼ̍Оڢତږ༟ପ
in the comprehensive income. אࠋවוዄdɗΌࠦϗूʫ
香港房屋協會2017/18年度年報 149