Page 156 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 156


            Notes to the Financial Statements

            2.4  Summary of significant accounting policies             2.4  主要會計政策概要€ᚃ

                 Segment reporting                                           分部報告

                 Operating segments, and the amounts of each segment item    ᐄ༶ʱ௅ʿ͉ৌਕజѓהяజʘӊࡈ
                 reported in the financial statements, are identified from the financial   ʱ௅ධͦʘಛධd׵֛ಂΣג܊՘ึ
                 information provided regularly to the Housing Society’s senior   ௰৷ॴ၍ଣᄴ౤Զʘৌਕ༟ࣘʕᗆ
                 executive management for the purposes of allocating resources to,   йf৷ॴ၍ଣᄴ࣬ኽ༈ഃ༟ࣘʱৣ༟
                 and assessing the performance of, the Housing Society’s various lines   ๕ʚג܊՘ึʔΝุਕ˸ʿ൙П༈ഃ
                 of business.                                                ุਕʘڌତf

                 Individually material operating segments are not aggregated for   ఱৌਕяజϾԊdࡈйࠠɽᐄ༶ʱ௅
                 financial reporting purposes unless the segments have similar   ʔึଢ଼ጐࠇၑdઓʱ௅ගϞᗳЧ຾᏶
                 economic characteristics and are similar in respect of the nature of   तᓃʿίପۜʿ؂ਕ׌ሯe܄˒၇ᗳ
                 products and services, the type or class of customers, the methods   אᗳйe͜Ъʱቖପۜא౤Զ؂ਕʘ
                 used to distribute the products or provide the services. Operating   ˙ج޴ᗳЧ٫ۆৰ̮fࡊ߰Ԩڢࡈй
                 segments which are not individually material may be aggregated if   ࠠɽʘ຾ᐄʱ௅ୌΥɽ௅΅Ϥഃ๟
                 they share a majority of these criteria.                    ۆdۆ༈ഃ຾ᐄʱ௅̙஗ΥԻࠇၑf

            3.  Significant accounting estimates                        3.  主要會計估計

                 The preparation of the Housing Society’s financial statements requires   ᇜႡג܊՘ึٙৌਕ༟ࣘࣛd၍ଣᄴ
                 management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the   ඲׵జѓ˚Ъ̈ึᅂᚤהяజϗूe
                 reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and   ක˕e༟ପၾࠋවٙజѓږᕘʿՉמ
                 their accompanying disclosures, and the disclosure of contingent   ᚣ˸ʿא್ࠋවמᚣٙкᓙeПࠇʿ
                 liabilities. Uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could   ৿ணfϞᗫ༈ഃ৿ணʿПࠇٙʔ׼ࣦ
                 result in outcomes that could require a material adjustment to the   Ϊ९̙ঐኬߧ̙ঐ඲࿁˚ܝաՑᅂᚤ
                 carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future.  ٙ༟ପၾࠋවٙሪࠦ࠽Ъ̈ࠠɽሜ዆f

                 Estimation uncertainty                                      估計的不明朗因素

                 The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of   ɨ˖މ׵జѓ˚Ϟᗫ͊Ըٙ˴ࠅ৿ண
                 estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting period, that have a   ʿՉ˼˴ࠅПࠇٙʔ׼ࣦΪ९dՉऒ
                 significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying   ʿኬߧɨࡈৌ݁ϋܓ࿁༟ପʿࠋවሪ
                 amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are   ࠦ࠽Ъ̈ࠠɽሜ዆ٙࠠɽࠬᎈf
                 described below.

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