Page 156 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 156
Notes to the Financial Statements
2.4 Summary of significant accounting policies 2.4 主要會計政策概要ᚃ
Segment reporting 分部報告
Operating segments, and the amounts of each segment item ᐄ༶ʱʿ͉ৌਕజѓהяజʘӊࡈ
reported in the financial statements, are identified from the financial ʱධͦʘಛධd֛ಂΣג܊ึ
information provided regularly to the Housing Society’s senior ௰৷ॴ၍ଣᄴԶʘৌਕ༟ࣘʕᗆ
executive management for the purposes of allocating resources to, йf৷ॴ၍ଣᄴ࣬ኽ༈ഃ༟ࣘʱৣ༟
and assessing the performance of, the Housing Society’s various lines ๕ʚג܊ึʔΝุਕ˸ʿ൙П༈ഃ
of business. ุਕʘڌତf
Individually material operating segments are not aggregated for ఱৌਕяజϾԊdࡈйࠠɽᐄ༶ʱ
financial reporting purposes unless the segments have similar ʔึଢ଼ጐࠇၑdઓʱගϞᗳЧ
economic characteristics and are similar in respect of the nature of तᓃʿίପۜʿਕሯe܄˒၇ᗳ
products and services, the type or class of customers, the methods אᗳйe͜ЪʱቖପۜאԶਕʘ
used to distribute the products or provide the services. Operating ˙جᗳЧ٫ۆৰ̮fࡊ߰Ԩڢࡈй
segments which are not individually material may be aggregated if ࠠɽʘᐄʱୌΥɽ΅Ϥഃ
they share a majority of these criteria. ۆdۆ༈ഃᐄʱ̙ΥԻࠇၑf
3. Significant accounting estimates 3. 主要會計估計
The preparation of the Housing Society’s financial statements requires ᇜႡג܊ึٙৌਕ༟ࣘࣛd၍ଣᄴ
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the జѓ˚Ъ̈ึᅂᚤהяజϗूe
reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and ක˕e༟ପၾࠋවٙజѓږᕘʿՉמ
their accompanying disclosures, and the disclosure of contingent ᚣ˸ʿא್ࠋවמᚣٙкᓙeПࠇʿ
liabilities. Uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could ணfϞᗫ༈ഃணʿПࠇٙʔࣦ
result in outcomes that could require a material adjustment to the Ϊ९̙ঐኬߧ̙ঐ࿁˚ܝաՑᅂᚤ
carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future. ٙ༟ପၾࠋවٙሪࠦ࠽Ъ̈ࠠɽሜf
Estimation uncertainty 估計的不明朗因素
The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of ɨ˖މజѓ˚Ϟᗫ͊Ըٙ˴ࠅண
estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting period, that have a ʿՉ˼˴ࠅПࠇٙʔࣦΪ९dՉऒ
significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying ʿኬߧɨࡈৌ݁ϋܓ࿁༟ପʿࠋවሪ
amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are ࠦ࠽Ъ̈ࠠɽሜٙࠠɽࠬᎈf
described below.
154 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2017/18