Page 4 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 4



            Housing Schemes

                             Rental Estate
                  Urban Improvement Scheme
                       Rural Public Housing
                       Flat-For-Sale Scheme
               Sandwich Class Housing Scheme
                Full Market Value Development
              Senior Citizen Residences Scheme
                      Urban Renewal Project
                Quality Elderly Housing Project
                                                                     No. of Projects              *
                  Subsidised Sale Flats Project                         Developed     89

             * Rental housing blocks and Flat-For-Sale blocks within the same estate are counted as separate projects.

             Rental Estate                                               出租屋邨

             20 rental estates located on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon and the New   ͦۃ΍Ϟɚɤࡈ̈ॡ܊㡼ʱб׵࠰ಥeɘᎲʿ
             Territories currently provide homes for about 85,000 people. All are designed to   อޢ΢ਜd֢͏ɛᅰߒ 85,000f؂ਕ࿁൥މЭ
             meet the needs of low-income families with rents at a discount to market price.  ϗɝ࢕ࢬdॡږЭ׵̹࠽˥̻f

             Urban Improvement Scheme                                    市區改善計劃
             Commenced in the early 1970s, projects under this Scheme are built to   ׵ɖɤϋ˾ڋක֐˸ࠠܔ˙όҷഛ̹ਜ֢ٙИ
             improve the living environment in dilapidated urban areas. Over 30 projects   ᐑྤfᔚᅽ຾װ՝ܝdࠠܔމགྷɧɤࡈධͦd΍
             have been redeveloped after pulling down the old buildings to provide a total   ౤Զ 5,620 ࡈఊЗd˸̹ᄆʮක೯ਯf
             of 5,620 flats. The flats are sold at full market value to the general public.

             Rural Public Housing                                        郊區公共房屋
             Three rural housing projects have been built in Sai Kung and Sha Tau Kok. They   ίГ্ʿӍ᎘ԉٙɧࡈධͦdމա૶װᅂᚤٙ
             are provided for families in rural areas whose homes have been cleared for   ࡡਜ֢͏౤ԶИσఊЗdԨ˸Ꮄ౉ᄆࣸ̈ॡא
             redevelopment. The flats are rented or sold at concessionary rate. In 2013, the   ೯ਯfג՘Ύ׵ɚཧɓɧϋᐏִ݁։ৄ׵Ӎ᎘
             Government invited the Housing Society to develop more rental flats in the   ԉຫਜʫጳܔһε̈ॡఊЗd˸ৣΥਜʫٙИ
             restricted area of Sha Tau Kok to cope with the increasing demand of the local   ܊ცӋdධͦ׵ɚཧɓɖϋໝϓf
             population, with completion in 2017.

         2  Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2017/18
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