Page 5 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 5

Housing Schemes 房屋計劃

               Flat-For-Sale Scheme                                         住宅發售計劃
               Launched in the late 1980s, ten projects with a total of 10,360 flats are located   ׵ɞɤϋ˾͋પ̈dɤࡈධͦЗ׵Όಥ΢ਜ΍
               throughout Hong Kong under this Scheme. Similar to the Home Ownership   ౤Զ 10,360 ࡈఊЗdၾג܊։ࡰึٙ˜֢٫Ϟ
               Scheme of the Housing Authority, the flats are sold at a discount to meet   Չ܊™ࠇྌ޴ڐd˸ұᜫᄆࣸਯʚЭЇʕഃϗ
               the ownership aspirations of low to middle-income families. In line with the   ɝ࢕ࢬd՘п༺ϓໄุᗴૐfމৣΥִ݁݁ഄd
               Government policy, flat production under this Scheme has ceased since late 2002.  ༈ࠇྌІɚཧཧɚϋֵৎ৾˟೯࢝อධͦf

               Sandwich Class Housing Scheme                                夾心階層住屋計劃

               Launched in the early 1990s amid the surge of property prices, ten residential   ࠇྌ׵ɘɤϋ˾ڋΪᏐᅽᄆʔᓙɪʺϾપ̈d
               developments across Hong Kong provide a total of 8,920 flats for the middle-   ɤࡈʱб׵ಥɘʿอޢٙධͦ΍౤Զ 8,920 ࡈ
               income families. Flats are sold at concessionary prices to eligible families and   ИσఊЗd˸Ꮄ౉ᄆࣸਯʚΥ༟ࣸٙʕഃϗɝ
               subject to resale conditions. Flat production under this Scheme has been   ࢕ࢬdԨணϞᔷਯ஝ࠢfϤࠇྌʊ׵ɓɘɘɞϋ
               suspended since 1998.                                        ৎ৾˟೯࢝อධͦf

               Full Market Value Development                                市値發展項目
               Upon the suspension of the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme, three projects   ͟׵˜ѰːචᄴИ܊ࠇྌ™ᅲ৾dɧࡈ೯࢝ʕٙ
               under development have been converted to private properties for sale to   ධͦᔷމӷɛᅽρd˸̹࠽ᄆࣸʮක̈ਯdܼ̍
               the public at full market value. These include Cayman Rise in Kennedy Town,   З׵਺̵ή۬ٙ̋౉ၽe৵ቧʆٙወ䄣ᝄऱʿ
               Mountain Shore in Ma On Shan and Serenity Place in Tseung Kwan O.  ਗ਼ࠏዦٙ׋ː෤f

               Senior Citizen Residences Scheme                               「長者安居樂」住屋計劃
               This innovative Scheme for the middle-income elderly provides “one-stop” homes   வࡈ࿃อٙИ܊ࠇྌdމʕପڗ٫౤Զ˜ɓ१
               with housing, recreation, medical and care facilities all under the same roof. Two   ό™ג܊dණ֢Иe;ඝeᔼᐕʿᚐଣ׵ɓԒf
               pilot projects, Jolly Place in Tseung Kwan O and Cheerful Court in Jordan Valley,   З׵ਗ਼ࠏዦٙᆀ᎚֢ʿР౱ԋٙ੹᎚֢Շࡈ༊
               providing a total of 576 flats are leased for life to eligible senior citizens.  ᜕ධͦd΍౤Զ 576 ࡈఊЗd˸୞ԒॡИٙҖό

               Urban Renewal Project                                        市區重建項目

               Under the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Urban Renewal   ܲ๫ɚཧཧɚϋၾ̹ਜࠠܔ҅ᖦࠈٙΥЪ௪ҙ
               Authority in 2002, the Housing Society has undertaken five redevelopment   ፽dג՘ࠠܔʞࡈЗ׵ଉ˥㱽ʿɓࡈЗ׵⓳၎ᝄ
               projects in Sham Shui Po and one in Shau Kei Wan to provide a total of 1,531   ٙධͦdΥ΍౤Զ 1,531 ࡈӷɛИσఊЗfהϞ
               private residential flats. All the six projects were completed between 2013   ʬࡈධͦʊ΋ܝ׵ɚཧɓɧЇɓʬϋໝϓf
               and 2016.

               Quality Elderly Housing Project                              優質長者房屋項目
               Launched for lease in 2015, The Tanner Hill is a non-subsidised elderly housing   З׵ʗࣅʆٙ˜ཡࣀ™݊ɓࡈڢ༟пٙڗ٫ג܊
               project providing 588 age-friendly individual residential flats completed with   ධͦd׵ɚཧɓʞϋપ̈ટաॡИ͡ሗfධͦ΍
               lifestyle, home-care support, Chinese and Western healthcare, as well as   ౤Զ 588 ࡈڗ٫ʾഛٙዹͭІИఊЗdԨৣ௪;
               skilled-care services to create a quality retirement living for the residents.  ඝ਄᜗e࢕֢ᗫᚥeʕГڭ਄ᔼᐕʿਖ਼ุ๫ᚐഃ

               Subsidised Sale Flats Project                                資助出售房屋項目

               In 2012, the Government changed the original My Home Purchase Plan project   ִ݁׵ɚཧɓɚϋਗ਼З׵ڡВࡡމ˜ໄτː༟п
               in Tsing Yi to a Subsidised Sale Flats project named Greenview Villa which   ג܊ࠇྌ™ٙධͦҷމ༟п̈ਯג܊ධͦdΤމ
               provides 988 small-and-medium flats for sale at discounted prices to eligible   ˜ၠઅඩ߹™d౤Զ 988 ࡈʕʃۨఊЗd˸ұϔ
               people. The Government subsequently entrusted the Housing Society with   ᄆ̈ਯʚΥ༟ࣸɛɻfՉܝִ݁Ύ։ৄג՘ίӍ
               similar projects in Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Tseung Kwan O.     ͞eˊژʿਗ਼ࠏዦਜપБᗳЧධͦf

                                                                                          香港房屋協會2017/18年度年報    3
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