Page 118 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 118
The Housing Society has continuously promoted the concepts of “Age-friendly homes” and “MIND-friendly homes” to the general public through events such as MIND-Friendly Fun Fair and the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) hosted by the Government of the HKSAR and the Hong Kong Council of Social Services. The latter showcased age-friendly home designs and assistive tools which cater to the living environment in Hong Kong and attracted 2,500 visitors.
The senior management team was also invited to attend various events to speak and share their insights on a range of Hong Kong housing matters. Events attended included HKIS PFMD Conference 2020 cum 15th Anniversary entitled “Building a Liveable City: The Role of Property and Facility Management Profession” organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors’ (HKIS); GBA Innovation Solution Day (Real Estate) hosted by Global Accelerator Academy through the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and the First International Conference on “Transdisciplinary Model of Urban Aged Care” organised by Tung Wah College, Hong Kong.
房協亦致力透過香港特別行政區政府與香港 社會服務聯會舉辦的大型活動如「智友善嘉年 華」和「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會」等,向公眾 傳遞有關長者友善和智友善家居的知識和理 念。房協在博覽會上介紹適合香港家居環境 的樂齡產品和技術應用方案,合共吸引超過 二千五百人參觀。
房協高級管理層亦應邀出席各類活動,就一 系列香港房屋議題發表意見和分享見解。出 席的活動包括:香港測量師學會主辦的「香港 測量師學會物業設施管理組二零二零年暨成 立十五周年紀念大會」,主題為「共建宜居城 市—物業設施管理專業同行」;香港科技園公 司「環球創業飛躍學院」主辦的「大灣區創新 解決方案日(房地產)」;以及由香港東華學 院舉辦的首屆「建立跨專業都市護老模式」國 際研討會。