Page 122 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 122
Financial Outlook and Management
Property Developments for Sale
The Housing Society is committed to devising various housing schemes to assist people in Hong Kong fulfil their home ownership aspirations. In addition to the 1,640 units of SSF which were completed this year, another 5,214 units will be produced in the next five years from the Anderson Road Quarry projects and the projects at Kai Tak 2B1 and Jockey Club Road.
Property Leasing and Management
The Housing Society has over 33,000 rental units in 20 estates, accommodating around 81,000 tenants at discounted market rents. It also provides around 130,000 m2 of rentable commercial space with 24,677 m2 office and shops at 1063 King’s Road, and 9,600 carparking spaces in our estates and managed properties for lease as long-term investment income. These commercial properties are operated on prudent commercial principles with rents based on market value.
The Hong Kong economy suffered a major setback due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subdued local economic prospects. In response to the Government’s call to ease people’s financial burdens, the Housing Society introduced rent relief measures in phases to help enterprises and rental estate tenants navigate the current difficulties.
During the year, we launched a suite of rent relief measures valued at over HK$345 million to support our domestic and commercial tenants. To alleviate their financial difficulties during these unprecedented times, we increased rent concessions from 50 per cent to 75 per cent for about 450 eligible commercial tenants, including those of kindergarten premises, signboard licensees and car park operators, for six months from 1 April to 30 September 2020. Monthly commercial vehicle car park users were also eligible to apply for a 75 per cent rent waiver for the same period. Moreover, eligible commercial tenants could apply for 100 per cent rent concessions for the period during which their businesses were closed by Government order or directions as part of Hong Kong’s anti-pandemic measures. The Housing Society extended its series of rent relief measures for six months from 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021.
房協致力於制定各類房屋計劃,以協助 香港人達成置業願望。除今年竣工的 一千六百四十個資助出售房屋單位外,安 達臣道石礦場項目以及啟德第2B區1號用 地和馬會道的項目於未來五年可供應額外 五千二百一十四個單位。
房協轄下二十個出租屋邨共有逾三萬三千個 單位,以低於市價的租金出租予約八萬一千 名住戶。我們亦提供約十三萬平方米的租賃 商用空間,包括位於英皇道1063號共二萬 四千六百七十七平方米的辦公室及商舖,以 及於轄下屋邨及代管物業提供九千六百個可 供出租的泊車位以賺取長期投資收入。該等 商業物業按審慎的商業原則營運,租金根據 市價計算。
在新冠肺炎疫情肆虐下,香港經濟遭受重 創,導致本地經濟前景黯淡。為響應政府減 輕市民經濟負擔的倡議,房協分階段推出租 金寬免措施,協助企業和屋邨租戶度過眼前 的困境。
年內,我們推出總規模逾三億四千五百萬港 元的一連串租金寬免措施,以協助屋邨及商 業租戶度過難關。在這前所未見的時期,為 紓緩租戶的經濟困難,我們於二零二零年四 月一日至九月三十日期間向約四百五十名合 資格商戶(包括開辦幼稚園的團體、商舖持 牌人及停車場營運商)提供為期六個月的租金 寬減,並將寬減幅度由百分之五十提升至百 分之七十五。在此期間,商用車停車場的月 租用戶亦合資格申請百分之七十五的租金寬 免。此外,合資格商戶如因應香港政府的防 疫指令或指示而須停業,則停業期間可申請 全額租金寬減。房協亦將一系列租金寬免措 施的期限由二零二零年十月一日延長六個月 至二零二一年三月三十一日。