Page 128 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 128
Efficient Board Process
Strategic Planning
The Housing Society adopts a rigorous and continuous strategic planning process. Every calendar year, a brainstorming session is held on the strategic business focuses and long- term development. In addition to members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee, all other members are invited to join the session to share their thoughts on various strategic initiatives and express their views on the Housing Society’s roles, priorities and long-term development. Starting from membership year 2020/21, the topics of the brainstorming session were jointly shaped by the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee. Members’ views are taken into consideration at a joint meeting by the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee in the formulation of the corporate business plan.
The brainstorming session for the year was held on 12 November 2020, and was attended by more than 80 members and senior management staff. In addition, the joint meeting of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee was held on 17 December 2020 to follow up on Members’ views expressed.
Information and Support
The Management submits an annual corporate business plan to the Executive Committee for its approval. Progress is monitored and evaluated through key performance indicators. The Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee also receive quarterly and monthly reports from the Management respectively on financial performance and key events and management decisions. Major decisions beyond the agreed Management thresholds are submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. As from membership year 2020/21, the minutes and monthly reports of the Executive Committee are circulated to members of the Supervisory Board to improve communications and better alignment.
房協採納一套審慎周全及貫徹一致的策略規 劃程序。房協每年均會舉行集思會討論策略 業務重點及長遠發展。除監事會及執行委員 會委員外,其他房協委員均獲邀出席集思 會,就房協各項策略方案分享想法,並對房 協的角色、優先事項及長遠發展表達意見。 自二零二零╱二一年度起,集思會的主題由 監事會和執行委員會共同制訂。在監事會和 執行委員會召開的聯合會議上,委員亦會參 考集思會上的意見以制訂企業業務計劃。
本年度的集思會於二零二零年十一月十二日 舉行,共有逾八十名委員及高級管理人員出 席。此外,監事會和執行委員會於二零二零 年十二月十七日召開聯合會議,以跟進委員 的意見。
管理層提交年度業務計劃予執行委員會批 核。工作進度按企業表現指標作監察及評 估。管理層亦會向監事會及執行委員會提交 季度及每月報告,匯報房協的財務表現、重 點事務及管理決策。管理層權限以外的重 大決策則提交執行委員會審批。自二零二 零╱二一年度起,執行委員會的會議記錄和 管理層提交的每月報告已送交監事會委員傳 閱,以改善溝通並促進協調。