Page 130 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 130
Management of Conflicts of Interest
A two-tier declaration of interests system is adopted to ensure a transparent and clean corporate image of the Housing Society. Board and Committee Members are required to declare their interests, directly or indirectly, in a contract with the Housing Society in each year after the holding of the Annual General Meeting; and immediately before the holding of every meeting held for the purpose of considering that contract or matters in relation thereto. The concerned Board and Committee Members will not take part in the deliberation of the contract unless permission is given by the chairman of the meeting.
Owing to the high public expectation and in order to protect the image of the Housing Society, the Chairman, any employer of the Chairman, any firm in which the Chairman is a partner, and any company of which not less than half of the issued share capital is beneficially owned by the Chairman shall not during the term of chairmanship of the Chairman enter into or tender for any contract with the Housing Society unless the Supervisory Board determine that it is beneficial to the Housing Society to enter into such contract.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
The Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director are held by different persons and their roles are distinct and separate with a clear and well established division of responsibilities. The Chairman is elected among members of the Supervisory Board and oversees the strategic direction of the Housing Society. The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director is appointed by the Executive Committee and reporting to the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee. The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director is responsible for executing the strategies and policies set by the Executive Committee and administering the affairs of the Housing Society.
房協採用雙層利益申報制度,以確保透明廉 潔的企業形象。監事會及各委員會委員若於 與房協訂立的合約中直接或間接擁有權益, 則其須於每年舉行周年委員大會後,及於緊 接為審議該合約或與該合約有關的事宜而舉 行的每次會議前,申報相關權益。未經會議 主席同意,相關監事會和委員會委員不得參 與該合約的審議。
為維護房協的形象及達至公眾對房協的高度 期望,房協主席、主席的任何僱主、主席合 夥經營的任何實體和主席實益擁有不少於半 數已發行股本的任何公司,除非得到監事會 確定訂立該合約對房協有利,否則於主席任 期內不得與房協訂立或投標任何合約。
主席及行政總裁兼執行總幹事分別由兩人出 任,他們的職責不同,分工明確。主席從監 事會委員中選舉產生,負責監督房協的策略 方向。行政總裁兼執行總幹事由執行委員會 委任,並向監事會和執行委員會報告。行政 總裁兼執行總幹事負責實施執行委員會制定 的策略和政策,以及管理房協的事務。