Page 129 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
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香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
A schedule for Board and Committee meetings is prepared for each calendar year. Standing agenda items are set to ensure that matters relating to corporate strategy, corporate performance management, finance, risk management and internal control, admission of members and Board and Committee membership composition are discussed at appropriate intervals through the year.
To help our members keep abreast of current trends and issues facing the Housing Society, various business activities have been arranged during the year, such as webinar on the challenges and issues confronting Hong Kong delivered by Prof Anthony Cheung Bing-leung and visit to the redeveloped Ming Wah Dai Ha for better understanding of the operation of property management and asset enhancement of our rental housing estates. In addition to our corporate newsletter “Housing Society Today”, quarterly “e-Bulletin” is also issued to members to keep them updated on the business development and member activities of the Housing Society.
Evolved Corporate Governance Practices
Following the review on corporate governance conducted by our consultant in 2019/20, the recommendations were fully implemented with better alignment and communications between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee. Joint meetings between the two boards were held and minutes/ management reports of the Executive Committee were made available to members of the Supervisory Board. The relevant amendments in the Constitution were adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 3 September 2020.
Induction of New Board and Committee Members
A tailor-made orientation pack is provided to newly-joined Supervisory Board members and other Committee members. This pack contains information on the Housing Society’s governance structure and strategic business focuses, terms of reference of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Committee and other Committees, as well as recent discussion papers on major businesses. Induction meetings are also arranged for new Board and Committee members with the Management, so that they can receive information on the Housing Society’s business operations and the latest developments.
房協每年會編製監事會和各委員會的會議時 間表。會議設有常規議程,確保監事會和各 委員會於年內適時討論企業策略、企業表現 管理、財務、風險管理與內部監控、委員任 命以及監事會與各委員會的組成等事宜。
為協助委員了解房協當前所面對的形勢及問 題,房協年內安排了各種業務活動,例如張 炳良教授就香港所面臨的挑戰和問題舉行的 網上研討會,及參觀明華大廈重建項目,讓 委員更深入了解轄下出租屋邨的物業管理運 作及資產增值。除企業通訊《房協動態》外, 房協亦每季發布《電子公告》,讓委員了解房 協業務發展和委員活動的最新動向。
房協委聘的顧問於二零一九╱二零年度對其 企業管治進行檢討之後,相關建議獲全面落 實,令監事會與執行委員會之間能夠更好地 進行協調和溝通。監事會與執行委員會曾聯 合舉行會議,而執行委員會的會議記錄╱管 理報告亦送交監事會委員傳閱。涉及房協憲 章的相關修正案已於二零二零年九月三日召 開的特別委員大會上通過。
房協為新加入的監事會委員及其他委員會委 員提供就任資料冊,當中包括有關房協的管 治架構及策略業務重點;監事會、執行委員 會及其他委員會的職權範圍;以及近期主要 業務討論文件的資料。管理層亦會與監事會 及各委員會的新委員會面,向他們介紹房協 業務營運及最新發展。

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