Page 134 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 134

projects and new initiatives; updates on property management under COVID-19 outbreak; and the office relocation plan. Based on the Nominating Committee’s recommendations, the Supervisory Board approved the admission of five new members to the Housing Society; and appointed members to the Executive Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Human Resources Committee and the Special Committees.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is accountable to the Supervisory Board, and has responsibility for setting the major policies and strategies. It monitors management performance, approves strategies proposed by the Management and recommendations made by the Human Resources Committee and the Special Committees as appropriate, and ensures that the strategies and decisions made are consistent with the mission and direction laid down by the Supervisory Board. It also appoints members to the Task Forces.
There were 12 members on the Executive Committee as of 1 April 2020, comprising the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing) serving as an ex officio member, the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, and eight members appointed by the Supervisory Board. At the AGM held on 3 September 2020, three members retired from the Executive Committee, namely, Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu, Ms Serena Lau Sze-wan and Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, fulfilling the one-third retirement rule. Ms Serena Lau Sze-wan and Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah had already served on the Executive Committee for two consecutive three-year terms and were not eligible for re- appointment. Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu expressed interest in re- appointment to the Executive Committee. At the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2020 AGM and EGM, Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu was re-appointed, and Miss Annie Tam Kam- lan and Mr Stanley Wong Yuen-fai were appointed to the Executive Committee for a three-year term of office. The Executive Committee comprised 12 members as of 31 March 2021.
During the year, the Executive Committee held 11 meetings with an overall attendance rate of 98 per cent, and one joint meeting with the Supervisory Board was held with an attendance rate of 91 per cent. The key areas of review of the Executive Committee during the year included the corporate performance review for 2019/20, corporate performance measures for 2020/21; audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March
會接納提名委員會的推薦任命了五名新委員 加入房協,並委任了執行委員會、審核委員 會、提名委員會、人力資源委員會及特別委 員會的委員。
執行委員會對房協監事會負責,並負責制定 重大政策及策略。執行委員會亦監察管理層 的表現,審批管理層提出的策略及人力資源 委員會和特別委員會呈交的建議,並確保其 作出的策略和決策符合監事會制定的宗旨和 方向。執行委員會亦負責委任專責小組的成 員。
截至二零二零年四月一日,執行委員會共有 十二名委員,包括監事會的主席及副主席、 由運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)出任的當 然委員、行政總裁兼執行總幹事及八名由監 事會委任的委員。於二零二零年九月三日舉 行的周年委員大會上,三名委員退任執行委 員會,包括陳顯滬先生、劉詩韻女士及馬錦 華先生,符合了三分之一委員退任的規定。 劉詩韻女士及馬錦華先生已連續出任兩屆(各 為期三年)執行委員會委員,故不合資格再 獲委任。陳顯滬先生表示有意繼續出任執行 委員會委員。在緊隨二零二零年周年委員大 會及特別委員大會後舉行的監事會會議上, 陳顯滬先生再獲委任為執行委員會委員,譚 贛蘭女士及黃遠輝先生獲委任為執行委員會 委員,任期為三年。截至二零二一年三月 三十一日,執行委員會共有十二名委員。
年內,執行委員會共舉行十一次會議,整體 出席率為百分之九十八,並與監事會舉行 一次聯席會議,出席率為百分之九十一。 執行委員會於本年度的主要檢討範疇包括 二零一九╱二零年度的企業表現、二零二 零╱二一年度企業表現的評核準則、截至二 零二零年三月三十一日止年度的經審核財務

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