Page 135 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 135

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
2020; the corporate business plan and consolidated budget for 2021/22; amendments to the Constitution and By-laws following the corporate governance review; and salary adjustment and remuneration policy review based on the recommendations of the Human Resources Committee. The Executive Committee also deliberated a number of housing projects under planning and development. These included the Dedicated Rehousing Estate, Senior Citizen Residences Scheme and public rental housing (PRH) projects. The Executive Committee also reviewed the domestic rent for 2020-2022; the long lease entry contribution and short lease rental of The Tanner Hill; and the rental fixing policy for the Ming Wah Dai Ha Redeveloped Blocks and new PRH estates. The Executive Committee also approved the granting of rent concession for commercial tenants and tenants of Group B rental estates, in line with the Government’s measures to support enterprises and relieve people’s burdens in view of the significant downturn pressure in Hong Kong’s economy.
The Executive Committee also received from the Management an annual risk assessment report on strategic and operational risks. Based on the recommendations of the Special Committee on Investment, the Executive Committee also reviewed the investment strategies and appointment of global custodian and professional fund managers for the investment portfolios.
Emoluments for Executive Committee Members
Non-ex officio members of the Executive Committee received an honorarium in recognition of their level of accountability and time commitment in committee work. These emoluments are set by the Supervisory Board, with current levels effective since 29 September 2016. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are entitled to HK$36,000 and HK$18,000 per month respectively, while HK$9,000 per month is offered to each of the other non-ex officio members. As of 31 March 2021, one out of ten non-ex officio Executive Committee members had opted not to receive these emoluments.
Other Committees
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee acts on behalf of the Supervisory Board to oversee the Housing Society’s internal and external audits and financial reporting. It also monitors the internal control systems, risk management system, overall ethical standards and compliance with applicable laws.
報表、二零二一╱二二年度的企業業務計劃 及綜合預算、落實企業管治檢討對憲章及附 例的修訂以及根據人力資源委員會的建議檢 討薪酬調整及薪酬政策。此外,執行委員會 商議了多項規劃中及發展中的房屋項目,包 括專用安置屋邨、「長者安居樂」住屋計劃及 公屋項目。執行委員會亦審視了二零二零至 二二年的公屋租金檢討、房協「雋悅」長期租 約租住權費及短期租約租賃,以及明華大廈 重建後樓宇及新公屋的租金釐定政策。執行 委員會亦批准向商業租戶及乙類出租屋邨租 戶提供租金寬免,以配合政府因應香港經濟 下行壓力而採取的支持企業及紓緩市民負擔 的措施。
執行委員會亦批核了管理層就策略風險及營 運風險提交的年度風險評估報告。根據投資 特別委員會提供的建議,執行委員會亦審閱 了投資策略及就投資組合委任全球託管人與 專業基金經理。
執行委員會的非當然委員均可獲發酬金,以 肯定他們對委員會工作的承擔及投入的時 間。現時的酬金水平由監事會釐訂,並由 二零一六年九月二十九日起生效。主席及副 主席的酬金分別為每月三萬六千港元及一萬 八千港元,而其他非當然委員的酬金為每月 九千港元。截至二零二一年三月三十一日, 在十名執行委員會非當然委員中,一名委員 選擇不收取該等酬金。
審核委員會代表監事會審核房協的內部及外 部審核工作以及財務報告,亦監察房協的內 部監控系統、風險管理系統、整體操守水平 及依循適用法例的情況。

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