Page 133 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 133
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
As of 1 April 2020, the Supervisory Board had 25 members, including 20 who were elected, four government officials as ex officio members, namely, the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing), Director of Lands, Director of Planning and Director of Buildings, as well as the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director. In order to recruit new members and ensure a smooth succession process, a “two-year grace period” requirement has been adopted since the 2015 AGM. Accordingly, a member who retires from the Supervisory Board after six or more consecutive years of service will not be eligible for re-election for two years until the second AGM following his/ her retirement.
At the AGM held on 3 September 2020, seven Supervisory Board members retired, namely, Mr Chan Ka-kui, Mr Bosco Fung Chee-keung, Ms Katherine Hung Siu-lin, Prof Kenneth Pang Tsan-wing, Dr Danny Wan Tak-fai, Mr Stanley Wong Yuen-fai and Mr Robert Young Man-kim, fulfilling the one-third retirement rule. Mr Chan Ka-kui, Mr Bosco Fung Chee-keung, Ms Katherine Hung Siu-lin, Prof Kenneth Pang Tsan-wing and Mr Robert Young Man-kim were not eligible to stand for re-election to the Supervisory Board as they had already served for two consecutive three-year terms, while Mr Stanley Wong Yuen-fai indicated intention to step down. Dr Danny Wan Tak-fai stood for re-election and was successfully re-elected to the Supervisory Board. The other six members elected to the Supervisory Board were Mr Conrad Fung Kwok-keung, Dr Lau Kwok-yu, Ms Serena Lau Sze-wan, Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, Dr Isaac Ng Ka-chui and Mr Kyran Sze. The Supervisory Board consisted of 25 members as of 31 March 2021.
During the year, five Supervisory Board meetings were held with an overall attendance rate of 94 per cent, and one joint meeting with the Executive Committee was held with an attendance rate of 91 per cent. The Supervisory Board reviewed the overall corporate strategic plan; the corporate business focuses for 2020/21; the consolidated views of the 2020 brainstorming session; the final recommendations on corporate governance review; amendments to the Constitution and By-laws following the corporate governance review; and the half-year reports submitted by the Audit Committee. It also received from the Management a full year report for 2019/20; quarterly reports on major events and management decisions; updates on housing
截至二零二零年四月一日,監事會共有 二十五名委員,包括二十名經選舉產生的委 員、四名由政府官員出任的當然委員,即運 輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)、地政總署署 長、規劃署署長及屋宇署署長,以及房協行 政總裁兼執行總幹事。為吸納新委員並確保 繼任順利,監事會自二零一五年周年委員大 會起採納「兩年休職期」規例,訂明連續六年 或以上出任監事會的委員自退任監事會後兩 年內(即直至退任後第二次周年委員大會)不 能重選。
於二零二零年九月三日舉行的周年委員大會 上,共有七名監事會委員退任,分別是陳家 駒先生、馮志強先生、洪小蓮女士、彭贊榮 教授、尹德輝博士、黃遠輝先生及楊民儉先 生,符合了三分之一委員退任的規定。由於 陳家駒先生、馮志強先生、洪小蓮女士、彭 贊榮教授及楊民儉先生已連續出任兩屆(各為 期三年)監事會委員,故不合資格重選,而黃 遠輝先生亦表示有意卸任。尹德輝博士再度 參選並成功連任監事會委員。另外六名當選 加入監事會的委員為馮國強先生、劉國裕博 士、劉詩韻女士、馬錦華先生、吳家鎚博士 及施家殷先生。截至二零二一年三月三十一 日,監事會共有二十五名委員。
年內,監事會共舉行五次會議,整體出席率 為百分之九十四,並與執行委員會舉行一次 聯席會議,出席率為百分之九十一。監事會 審視了整體企業策略計劃、二零二零╱二一 年度的企業業務重點、二零二零年集思會的 綜合意見、檢討企業管治後的最終建議、檢 討企業管治後對憲章及附例的修訂及審核 委員會提交的半年度報告,亦省覽了管理層 就二零一九╱二零年度提交的全年報告、有 關重要事務及管理決議的季度報告、房屋項 目的最新進展及新計劃、新冠肺炎疫情爆發 後的物業管理進展及辦事處搬遷計劃。監事