Page 140 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 140
There were fourteen members on the Special Committee on Elderly Housing as of 1 April 2020. Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah retired from the chairmanship of the Special Committee at the 2020 AGM after completing his two-year term of office and expressed his interest in continuing to serve on this Special Committee. At the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2020 AGM and EGM, the new membership composition of this Special Committee was adopted by removing the two ex officio members, i.e. the Chairman of the Housing Society and the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, as from membership year 2020/2021. Appointment of Miss Annie Tam Kam-lan as the Chairman of this Special Committee for a one- year term of office to align with the tenure expiry of the Special Committee in 2021 was approved. Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah was re-appointed and other three members, namely, Mrs Agnes Mak Tang Pik-yee, Ms Sarah Mui Sze-wa and Ms Theresa Yeung Wing-shan, were appointed to this Special Committee for a one- year term of office. Mr Kenneth Chan Chi-yuk opted to retire from this Special Committee as from 31 January 2021. The Special Committee consisted of fourteen members as of 31 March 2021.
During the year, the Special Committee on Elderly Housing held four meetings with an overall attendance rate of 81 per cent. The Special Committee reviewed the leasing and operations of the elderly housing project, The Tanner Hill, the pricing and disposal model and the skilled care operation of the new developments under the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme (SEN). A task force under the Special Committee was established on 15 October 2019 to explore the skilled care operation model at the new SEN project of Lee Kung Street.
Special Committee on Planning, Design and Construction
The Special Committee on Planning, Design and Construction was set up by the Executive Committee to assist in monitoring the various aspects of major development projects, including time, quality and cost.
The Special Committee on Planning, Design and Construction had eight members as of 1 April 2020. At the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2020 AGM and EGM, Mr Chan Ka-kui, Prof Phyllis Li Chi-miu and Mr Man Wai-ming were appointed as members of this Special Committee for a one-year term of office to align with the tenure expiry of the Special Committee in 2021. The Special Committee consisted of eleven members as of 31 March 2021.
截至二零二零年四月一日,長者房屋特別委 員會共有十四名委員。馬錦華先生完成其兩 年任期後,於二零二零年周年委員大會上退 任特別委員會主席職務,並表示有意留任特 別委員會。於緊隨二零二零年周年委員大會 及特別委員大會後舉行的監事會會議上,新 一屆特別委員會的委員組成獲通過。兩名當 然委員(即房協主席及行政總裁兼執行總幹 事)自二零二零╱二零二一年度起,不再擔任 特別委員會委員。譚贛蘭女士亦獲委任為此 特別委員會主席,任期為一年,以配合此特 別委員會於二零二一年屆滿的任期。馬錦華 先生獲重新委任,而另外三名委員,包括麥 鄧碧儀女士、梅詩華女士及楊詠珊女士,亦 獲委任為此特別委員會委員,任期為一年。 由二零二一年一月三十一日起,陳志育先生 選擇退任此特別委員會委員。截至二零二一 年三月三十一日,此特別委員會共有十四名 委員。
年內,長者房屋特別委員會共舉行四次會 議,整體出席率為百分之八十一。特別委員 會審查長者房屋項目「雋悅」的租賃及運作, 亦審核「長者安居樂」住屋計劃下新發展的 項目的定價及出售模式,以及專業照護服務 運營。特別委員會轄下的專責小組已於二零 一九年十月十五日成立,以探討在利工街新 開展的「長者安居樂」住屋計劃提供專業照護 服務的運營模式。
項目規劃設計及建築工程特別委員會由執行 委員會成立,協助監察大型發展項目的進 度、質素及成本控制等各方面。
截至二零二零年四月一日,項目規劃設計及 建築工程特別委員會共有八名委員。於緊隨 二零二零年周年委員大會及特別委員大會後 舉行的監事會會議上,陳家駒先生、李志苗 教授及文偉明先生獲委任為此特別委員會委 員,任期為一年,以配合此特別委員會於二 零二一年屆滿的任期。截至二零二一年三月 三十一日,此特別委員會共有十一名委員。