Page 139 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 139

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Director (Property Management), the Human Resources Director and the Advisor (Social Projects Development) for approval by the Executive Committee. The Human Resources Committee also reviewed the pay components and performance management system for top management executives for approval by the Executive Committee.
Special Committee on Investment
The role of the Special Committee on Investment is to establish objectives and strategies for the Housing Society’s investments. It reviews the performance of professional fund managers and considers the asset allocations and appointment of professional fund managers and the custodian bank, for the Executive Committee’s approval.
The Special Committee on Investment had seven members as of 1 April 2020. At the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2020 AGM and EGM, Ms Linda Kwo Lai-ming and Mr Joseph Lee Chin-wai were appointed as members of this Special Committee for a one-year term of office to align with the expiry of the tenure of this Special Committee in 2021. There were nine members on the Special Committee on Investment as of 31 March 2021.
During the year, the Special Committee of Investment held two meetings with an overall attendance rate of 100 per cent. In addition to monitoring the performance of our fund managers, it also reviewed the contract of one fund manager, Housing Society’s exposure to USD investments and US financial institutions, as well as investment guidelines for the global bond mandate. The Special Committee also recommended the appointment of a new global custodian for the Executive Committee’s approval.
Special Committee on Elderly Housing
The Special Committee on Elderly Housing was set up by the Executive Committee in 2008 to give guidance to and review the Management’s proposals in respect of the Housing Society’s various elderly housing initiatives. These included planning, schematic design, financial feasibility and operational models of the proposed elderly housing projects to be undertaken by the Housing Society.
人力資源委員會亦檢討高級管理人員的薪酬 組成及表現管理體系,並提交執行委員會審 批。
投資特別委員會負責為房協的投資制訂目標 及策略、檢討專業基金經理的表現,以及考 慮資產配置及委聘專業基金經理及託管銀行 事宜,並提交有關建議供執行委員會審批。
截至二零二零年四月一日,投資特別委員會 共有七名委員。在緊隨二零二零年周年委員 大會及特別委員大會後舉行的監事會會議 上,葛黎明女士及李展偉先生獲委任為此特 別委員會委員,任期為一年,以配合此特別 委員會於二零二一年屆滿的任期。截至二零 二一年三月三十一日,投資特別委員會共有 九名委員。
年內,投資特別委員會共舉行兩次會議,整 體出席率為百分之百。除監察基金經理的表 現外,投資特別委員會亦審閱了一名基金經 理的合約、房協與美國金融機構及美元相關 的投資敞口以及環球債券的投資指引。投資 特別委員會亦建議委聘新任全球託管人,並 提交有關建議供執行委員會審批。
長者房屋特別委員會於二零零八年由執行委 員會成立,負責為房協多個長者房屋項目提 供指引及審閱管理層提交的相關建議,當中 涵蓋建議發展的房協長者房屋項目的規劃、 概念設計、財務可行性及營運模式。

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