Page 138 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 138

During the year, the Nominating Committee held one meeting with an attendance rate of 88 per cent. The Nominating Committee recommended five candidates for admission as Housing Society members and all the recommendations were approved by the Supervisory Board. The Nominating Committee also made recommendations on the membership rotation and retirement of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Committee, various Committees and Special Committees.
Human Resources Committee (previously named as the Remuneration Committee)
At the EGM held on 3 September 2020, the proposal of renaming the Remuneration Committee to Human Resources Committee was adopted to better reflect its roles and duties. The Human Resources Committee acts on behalf of the Executive Committee and oversees the Housing Society’s overall compensation strategy and the performance and remuneration of top management executives. The Human Resources Committee also oversees succession planning for the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director and top management executives.
There were six members on the Human Resources Committee as of 1 April 2020. All members of the Human Resources Committee were non-management members of the Housing Society. At the AGM held on 3 September 2020, Mr Alvin Mak Wing-sum retired from the Human Resources Committee after completing the three-year term of office and indicated his intention to be re-appointed, while Mr Wilfred Wong Kam-pui indicated his intention to retire. At the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2020 AGM and EGM, Mr Alvin Mak Wing- sum was re-appointed, and Mr William Chau Chun-wing and Prof Kenneth Pang Tsan-wing were appointed to the Human Resources Committee for a three-year term of office. The Human Resources Committee consisted of seven members as of 31 March 2021.
During the year, the Human Resources Committee held six meetings with an overall attendance rate of 95 per cent. Key areas under review of the Human Resources Committee included the remuneration and benefit policies, annual salary review, compensation for the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director and top management executives, with recommendations made for approval by the Executive Committee. The Human Resources Committee also endorsed the appointments of the
年內,提名委員會舉行了一次會議,出席率 為百分之八十八。提名委員會推薦了五名人 選加入成為房協委員,有關建議均獲監事會 批准。提名委員會亦就監事會、執行委員 會、各委員會及特別委員會委員的輪值和退 任作出建議。
於二零二零年九月三日舉行的特別委員大會 上,房協採納議案將薪酬委員會更名為人力 資源委員會,以更好地反映其角色及職責。 人力資源委員會代表執行委員會監察房協的 整體薪酬策略以及高級管理人員的表現及薪 酬。人力資源委員會亦負責監察行政總裁兼 執行總幹事及高級管理人員的繼任安排。
截至二零二零年四月一日,人力資源委員會 共有六名委員,全部均為房協的非管理層委 員。於二零二零年九月三日舉行的周年委員 大會上,麥永森先生在完成三年任期後退任 人力資源委員會委員,並表示有意連任,而 黃錦沛先生則表示有意退任。在緊隨二零二 零年周年委員大會及特別委員大會後舉行的 監事會會議上,麥永森先生再獲委任為人力 資源委員會委員,周鎮榮先生及彭贊榮教授 同時亦獲委任為人力資源委員會委員,任期 為三年。截至二零二一年三月三十一日,人 力資源委員會共有七名委員。
年內,人力資源委員會共舉行六次會議,整 體出席率為百分之九十五。人力資源委員會 的主要工作包括檢視薪酬及福利政策、年度 薪金檢討、檢視行政總裁兼執行總幹事及高 級管理人員的薪酬,並提交有關建議供執行 委員會審批。人力資源委員會亦支持委任總 監(物業管理)、人力資源總監及顧問(社會 項目),並提交有關建議供執行委員會審批。

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