Page 26 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 26
During the year, we have created a total of 2,606 new residences, of these, 1,640 are from the three Subsidised Sale Flats (SSF) projects of Greenhill Villa, Mount Verdant and Terrace Concerto, all of which have been completed by early 2020. Another 966 Public Rental Housing (PRH) units were provided by Ming Wah Dai Ha Phase I Redevelopment, where the resident intake has commenced in end of March.
In fact, our flat production had been at a low ebb for some time. The last time we provided new supplies of urban rental housing units dated back to 2007 with the completion of Kwun Lung Lau Phase I Redevelopment in Kennedy Town. For rural public housing, the six-storey block Ying Hoi House at Sha Tau Kok Chuen, completed in 2017, was the most recent. As for housing developments for sale, the two Urban Renewal Projects, namely Heya Crystal and Heya Aqua, both built in 2016, were the newest.
Nonetheless, we have picked up the pace of our housing projects by developing a robust pipeline of housing projects, with three rental estates, four Dedicated Rehousing Estates (DRE), five SSF projects as well as two projects for the elderly, which combined around 20,000 units to be completed over the next decade.
Redevelopment of Rental Estates
For the Housing Society, the redevelopment strategy of rental estates means not only to replace ageing buildings with new ones, but also to increase flat supply and to promote integrated community and intergenerational living. During the year, we saw the completion of 966 units of Ming Wah Dai Ha Phase I Redevelopment, which the handover of units had already commenced in March and expected to be completed by mid 2021.
Designed with the intergenerational living in mind, Phase I of the redevelopment comprises 48 elderly units and 24 accessible units with age-friendly features and barrier-free design to cater to the needs of seniors and wheelchair users. Around 330 units, or a third of the total number of units, are incorporated with adaptable design to enable flexible spatial configuration for meeting future needs of residents.
於本年度,合共二千六百零六個新住屋單位 竣工,其中一千六百四十個單位來自「綠怡雅 苑 」、「 翠 嶺 峰 」和「 翠 鳴 臺 」的 資 助 出 售 房 屋 項目,有關單位已於二零二零年年初竣工; 另外九百六十六個是明華大廈第一期重建項 目的出租屋邨單位,已於三月底開始陸續入 伙。
事實上,房協過去有一段時間未有推出新項 目。我們上一次提供市區新出租單位可追溯 至二零零七年在堅尼地城的觀龍樓第一期重 建項目;二零一七年在沙頭角邨落成的樓高 六層的迎海樓則是我們最近一次推出的郊區 公共房屋單位,而於二零一六年竣工的兩個 市區重建項目「喜薈」和「喜漾」,已是我們最 近一次推出的出售項目。
目前我們的建屋計劃已經擴大,正著手開發 多個房屋項目,包括三個出租屋邨、四個專 用安置屋邨、五個資助出售房屋項目,以及 兩個長者房屋項目,預計未來十年可合共提 供約二萬個單位。
房協的出租屋邨重建策略不僅以新廈換舊 樓,並可增加房屋供應,且有助推廣綜合社 區和跨代共居。年內,明華大廈第一期重建 項目共九百六十六個單位竣工,並已於三月 起陸續交予租戶,預期將於二零二一年年中 完成相關單位的交收程序。
重建項目融入跨代共居的設計理念,第一期 當中的四十八個長者單位和二十四個無障礙 單位備有長者友善和無障礙設計,以配合長 者和輪椅使用者的需要。約三百三十個單位
(相當於單位總數的三分之一)更採用可改動 設計,實現靈活的空間構造,以滿足住戶未 來需要。