Page 28 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 28

Subsidised Sale Flats
Subsidised Sale Flats have always been popular among home seekers, given that the flats were offered at discounted prices and deemed more affordable for those who wanted to climb up the housing ladder.
Three SSF projects, namely Greenhill Villa, Mount Verdant and Terrace Concerto were completed by early 2020 and most of the 1,640 units had been handed over to buyers. During the coronavirus outbreak, where some owners were unable to complete the assignment of purchase and sale agreement before the agreed dates, they were allowed to defer the procedure on a discretionary basis.
Meanwhile, another five SSF projects at Jockey Club Road, Kai Tak Area 2B1 and Anderson Road Quarry are under planning or construction, and will be ready to deliver over 5,200 units in five years to meet the aspiration of home buyers.
Dedicated Rehousing Estates
Over the past few years, we have been supporting the Government in the development of dedicated rehousing estates, to accommodate residents affected by Government’s development clearance exercises or redevelopment projects in urban areas.
There is so much to look forward to in the development of DREs, given the massive volume and mix of units the projects involved, and the impetus provided to the newly developed areas that came with new planning, new infrastructure and population intake.
Three of our DRE projects at Pak Wo Road, Kai Tak Area 1E1 and Hung Shui Kiu Phase I have already started construction, aiming to provide over 4,200 rental, subsidised sale flats and SEN units between 2024 and 2025.
For the longer term, the Housing Society has been invited to implement the redevelopment of the three urban squatter areas at Cha Kwo Ling, Ngau Chi Wan and Chuk Yuen United Village to provide 6,300 public housing units as announced earlier by the Government. The projects will include DRE flats and will form the core of our medium to long-term additional housing supply from 2030 and beyond.
資助出售房屋以折扣價推售,為有意提升居 住環境的人士提供較可負擔的選擇,因此一 直深受歡迎。
三 個 資 助 出 售 房 屋 項 目( 即「 綠 怡 雅 苑 」、「 翠 嶺 峰 」和「 翠 鳴 臺 」)已 於 二 零 二 零 年 年 初 或 以 前竣工,一千六百四十個單位中,絕大部分 已向買家交付。於新冠肺炎爆發期間,部分 業主未能在協定日期前完成簽署樓契,獲准 酌情延遲有關程序。
另外五個位於馬會道、啟德第2B區1號用地 和安達臣道石礦場的資助出售房屋項目正在 規劃或興建,逾五千二百個單位將可於五年 內建成,以滿足置業人士的需求。
過去數年,房協為配合政府的發展清拆行動 及在市區推行的重建項目,興建專用安置屋 邨,協助為受影響的住戶提供居所。
由於數量龐大且涉及不同單位類型組合,加 上新發展區的新規劃、新基建及人口遷入將 帶來強大動力,專用安置屋邨的未來發展 可期。
房協位於百和路、啟德第1E區1號用地和洪 水橋第一期的三個專用安置屋邨已開始施 工,目標在二零二四年至二零二五年期間提 供超過四千二百個出租、資助出售房屋及「長 者安居樂」單位。
在長期規劃方面,政府早前公布房協獲邀請 重建位於市區的茶果嶺、牛池灣和竹園聯合 村三個寮屋區,提供六千三百個公營房屋單 位。項目將包括專用安置屋邨,並成為房協 在二零三零年及之後的中長期主要新增房屋 供應。

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