Page 31 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 31

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Supporting Tenants with Care and Greater Synergy
Apart from hygiene concern, the pandemic has brought severe financial difficulties to many. Multiple rounds of rental concessions were provided to our retail tenants in the hope of alleviating their financial burden so that they could continue to serve our residents, irrespective of the fact that it costs the Housing Society a total of around $270 million in rental loss.
We also set up an anti-epidemic matching donation fund with the seed money donated by our Chairman and Management to render timely assistance to those encountering difficulties during the pandemic. Consequently, a total of $887,600 had been raised and used to support five food banks and 50 families living in our rental estates.
A Bounce Back Together Shopping Promotion Campaign was organised in October to provide vitality to the community, during with 90,000 sets of coupons were given out to our tenants and stakeholders to help them with daily expenses. The coupons, which cost $100 a set, was hardly a big sum, but the message we wanted to drive across was our readiness to help and stand shoulder to shoulder with them in the toughest of times. It was most uplifting when our residents shared with us their positive response, knowing that the coupons had brought smiles to their faces.
To strengthen on our efforts in serving our residents in rental estates, we have set up a 80-plus strong multi-disciplinary CES (Caring, Engaging and Smart) team formed by social workers, occupational therapists and service officers with a view to expanding service support for the residents living in our rental estates.
Support would be rendered at the individual, neighbourhood and community level through case management, community network and district-based programmes. It is hoped that by means of enhanced synergy and social capital solicited by the CES team, it would help to create a caring neighbourhood while building a cohesive and harmonious community, and ultimately better living for the residents.
除衞生議題外,疫情亦帶來經濟困境。房協 主動減收約二億七千萬港元租金收入,向零 售租戶提供多輪租金寬免,希望減輕他們的 經濟負擔,令他們能繼續為住戶服務。
我們主席及管理層更捐出善款作一對一配對 捐款抗疫基金,向於疫情期間遇到困難的 人士提供及時援助。我們共籌得八十八萬 七千六百港元捐款,用於資助五間食物銀行 及居住在房協出租屋邨的五十個家庭。
我們於十月舉辦「同心•再撐起」消費推廣 活動,為社區注入活力,期間我們向住宅租 戶及持份者發放近九萬套現金券,補助他們 的日常開支。每套現金券價值一百港元,金 額雖然不大,但希望傳遞房協願意於最困難 時期伸出援手,與他們共度時艱的訊息。收 到住戶的正面反饋,得悉活動使他們展現笑 顏,令我們倍感欣慰。
為進一步強化於出租屋邨的住戶服務,我們 成立了由社工、職業治療師及服務主任組成 的八十多人跨專業「房協友里」團隊,期望為 出租屋邨的居民提供更廣泛的服務支援。
計劃,為個人、鄰里及社區提供支援,期望 「房協友里」團隊開拓更多協作模式,從而提 高協同效應及發展社會資本,幫助建立充滿 關愛的鄰里關係,共建團結和諧社區,令住

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