Page 29 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 29

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Elderly Housing
Our two elderly housing projects at Jat Min Chuen and Lee Kung Street are making good progress and expected to deliver in the next two years. The one in Jat Min Chuen is set to provide an additional 64 age-friendly rental units with rent-free lifelong tenancy as incentives for seniors to surrender their under- occupied units in the estate.
The one in Lee Kung Street will be the Housing Society’s third SEN project. Aimed at the middle-income elderly group, the project is slated for completion in 2022, providing 312 age- friendly units in total.
Transitional Housing
On the front of transitional housing, two new T-Home projects have been implemented, one in Trackside Villas and another in Chun Seen Mei Chuen. Both projects have received overwhelming responses with record-high applications. With an increasing pipeline of rental estate redevelopments, it is expected more vacant units would be released as T-Homes to meet the surging demand for transitional housing.
Similarly, we have seen a demand for our another project – the enhanced “Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid”. The Scheme was enhanced in 2019, under which owners of subsidised sale units under the Housing Society and the Housing Authority are allowed to let their flats to eligible PRH applicants without having to pay the premium. As at 31 March 2021, 580 applications from owners were received with 475 “Owner Certificates” issued, and 1,051 applications from tenants were received with 326 “Tenant Certificates” issued. More than 200 units were listed on the online Owner and Tenant Information Sharing Platform with 57 successful transactions.
房協兩個位於乙明邨和利工街的長者房屋項 目進度良好,預期將於未來兩年落成。乙明 邨項目可望提供額外的六十四個長者友善出 租單位,租戶可獲終生免租,以鼓勵邨內寬 敞戶長者騰出單位。
利工街項目將成為房協第三個「長者安居樂」 項目。項目的目標住戶為中等收入長者,預 定於二零二二年竣工,合共提供三百一十二 個長者友善單位。
過渡性房屋方面,房協推行了兩個分別位於 「 策 誠 軒 」和「 真 善 美 村 」的 新「 暫 租 住 屋 」項 目。兩個項目均獲得熱烈反應,申請數目創 新高。隨著出租屋邨重建項目增加,更多空 置單位將可用作「暫租住屋」,以滿足過渡性
同樣,我們另一個項目:經優化「未補價資助 出售房屋—出租計劃」亦見需求。該計劃於二 零一九年優化,房協及香港房屋委員會轄下 資助出售房屋的業主可向合資格申請人出租 整個單位,而毋須支付補價。截至二零二一 年三月三十一日,計劃接獲五百八十份業主 申請,並發出四百七十五張「業主證書」, 另接獲一千零五十一份租戶申請,並發出 三百二十六張「租客證書」。超過二百個單位 的資訊登載於業主及租戶資訊共享平台,並 促成五十七宗交易。

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