Page 32 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 32
Leveraging Innovation for Sustainable Development
Under the new normal, our adaptability, resilience and capacity to innovate have proven their importance like never before. In embracing the role of the housing laboratory, we have been driving innovative approaches and technologies for our business operations, with a commitment to facilitate a more sustainable future.
Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in steel has been deployed in the development of an extension of Jat Min Chuen, which will be Hong Kong’s first elderly housing development built with the method. In tandem, a 27-storey tower with 300 SSF units in Hung Shui Kiu Phase IA, the first subsidised housing project to engage the MiC method, is being constructed with MiC in concrete.
Greenhill Villa, a SSF development completed in 2020, has been the first project in Hong Kong using full precast concrete construction. As many as 145 precast concrete components were involved in the construction of each floor of the three towers, which were manufactured off-site before being transported to the site for installation and concrete reinforcements. Both MiC and precast construction are known to make the construction faster, cleaner, safer and of higher quality and will be the trend for construction in the years to come.
The Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology allows different parties to collaborate on the design, construction, delivery and management throughout and beyond the project’s full life cycle. Full BIM approach has been earmarked for the projects at Kai Tak Area 1E1, Hung Shui Kiu Phases IA and IB.
We also adopted a dedicated mobile digital application for the handover of units in the three SSF developments, namely Greenhill Villa, Mount Verdant and Terrace Concerto. The app allows homeowners to make online appointment for handover, and report issues for follow up and remedial works. Apart from the very convenience and efficiency the app provides, it has the added value of enabling customers to go through the procedures without being physically present, in particular during the coronavirus outbreak.
In the area of property management, we have piloted sensor technologies for elevator calling panels and licence plate recognition in some of our estates and car parks to put tactile communication to a minimum.
在新常態下,我們的適應能力、柔韌力及創 新能力顯得更為重要。我們擔當著「房屋實驗 室」的角色,一直以創新方法及新科技推動業 務營運,並促進業務可持續發展。
我們正在乙明邨的擴建發展項目中使用鋼製 組件「組裝合成」建築法,其將成為香港首個 採用該建築法興建的長者房屋項目。同時, 我們正在採用混凝土「組裝合成」建築法興 建洪水橋第IA期的一棟樓高二十七層,提供 三百個資助出售房屋單位的大廈,其亦為首 個採用「組裝合成」建築法的資助出售房屋項 目。
於二零二零年竣工的資助出售房屋項目「綠 怡雅苑」乃香港首個採用全預製混凝土建築法 的項目。三座大廈每層使用多達一百四十五 個預製混凝土組件,該等組件預先在工場製 造,再運輸至工地進行安裝及加固。「組裝 合成」及預製建築能令施工更迅速、清潔及安 全,質素更高,將成為未來建築工程的趨勢。
「建築信息模擬」技術有助各方在項目的整個 發展週期內及其後就設計、施工、交付及管 理進行協作。啟德第1E區1號用地、洪水橋 第IA期及第IB期工程均會全面採用「建築信息 模擬」。
我們亦應用了專用流動數碼應用程式,幫助 三 個 資 助 出 售 房 屋 項 目( 即「 綠 怡 雅 苑 」、「 翠 嶺 峰 」及「 翠 鳴 臺 」)的 單 位 交 收 。 該 應 用 程 式 讓業主可在線預約交收,並報告跟進問題及 執修工作。除具備便捷及高效的功能外,該 應用程式亦令客戶能在無需親身到場的情況 下完成交收手續,這方面優勢在新冠疫情期 間尤為重要。
於物業管理方面,我們已在部分屋邨及停車 場試行用於電梯操作面板及車牌識別系統的 感應技術,以盡量引入非接觸式操作。