Page 34 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 34
A wide range of events targeting young people have been organised by the Housing Society Academy Alumni Club, most of which were informed by the goal to empower the younger generation with the necessary skills and mindset to serve the community at large. The Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition, Hoarding Beautification Competition, Gerontech Competition were just a few of the events that encouraged innovation and creativity among young people, while promoting intergenerational harmony.
Enhancing Capabilities
Challenges always bring a fair share of risks and opportunities, and we need to be well prepared in order to counter the risks and capture the opportunities.
To drive our longer term development, we have set up a Policy Research and Business Innovation Unit in 2020. The new Unit is geared to strengthen our research capacity for incubation of new businesses, services and practices as well as to promote innovation by advocating a workplace culture that accepts and embraces changes and multi-disciplinary collaboration. It is also tasked with strengthening our role as a housing laboratory by exploring new housing prototypes that suit the housing needs of all ages in Hong Kong.
A number of housing topics including intergenerational residential housing as well as the deployment of robotic technologies for maintenance operations and management have been on the agenda of the Unit.
In tandem, we strived to create an ‘innovative’ culture in the organisation by engaging our management team and staff in various learning programmes to keep them abreast of the latest technologies that will be vital to the sustainable development of the organisation.
At the same time, we have expanded our workforce and equipping them to go with the growth in the portfolio and pipeline of housing developments, which will be hitting the peak over the next ten years. We have also turned a new page for our operation when a new Operations Headquarters was set up and commenced operations at 1063 King’s Road to house
此外,「房協獎學金同學會」籌劃了一系列面 向青年人的活動,希望向年輕一代傳授技能 及思維方式以服務社會。房協亦透過不同活 動鼓勵年輕人發揮創意及促進跨代共融,其 中包括跨代共融遊樂空間設計比賽、圍板美 化比賽及樂齡科技設計比賽。
挑戰往往伴隨著風險與機遇,我們需要做好 準備,方能應對風險並把握機遇。
為推動業務長遠持續發展,我們已於二零二 零年成立政策研究及業務創新組。新小組旨 在加強我們在開發新業務、新服務及新做法 的研究能力,並透過倡導開放及跨領域合作 的機構文化來推動創新。該小組亦會透過探 索適合香港不同年齡層住房需求的新住房原 型,加強房協作為「房屋實驗室」的角色。
目前,該小組已展開多個工作項目,包括跨 代共融的住屋發展,以及應用機械人科技進 行保養維修及管理等。
與此同時,我們致力培育「創新」機構文化, 鼓勵我們的管理團隊和員工參與各類學習計 劃,以掌握對房協可持續發展至關重要的前 沿科技。
我們正在增聘人手,以應對未來十年的房屋 發展高峰期及整體業務增長。隨著位於英皇 道1063號的新營運總部投入運作,我們亦開 啟工作的新篇章。物業發展及市場事務部、 工程策劃部、企業規劃及會計組、財務組及