Page 35 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 35

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
the Development and Marketing Division, Projects Division, Corporate Planning and Accounts Section, Finance Section and Human Resources Section, with a view to accommodating the increased manpower while improving employee engagement in a better working environment. The premises of 28/F World Trade Centre will be renovated as our Corporate Office.
An additional office in the New Territories is also on the horizon with the acquisition of an industrial building in Fanling at a price of $270.8 million to support the sales and management of various projects in the New Territories.
Financial Performance
Though the operating environment has been very challenging in the grip of the pandemic, we have been able to maintain a sturdy financial position with prudent management of our business and investments. A net surplus of $7.6 billion was recorded during the year, of which $6.1 billion is attributed to investment gain.
Currently, we have committed over a dozen projects under various housing schemes and the capital commitment is very substantial in the years to come. To cope with the expanded development programme, the Management will work closely with the newly set up Task Force on Financing under the Executive Committee to examine our financial resources and propose a funding strategy that can fulfil our development needs.
The Housing Society has stood the test of 2020/21. We have pulled together amid the unprecedented challenges. There were the front-line workers at our estates and properties working round the clock in a bid to upkeep the good living environment of our residents. Those at elderly housing and social services reinventing programmes to engage the seniors and residents to keep them happy and healthy. The project staff trying all means to keep projects on track. The volunteers who continued to bring a smile to the faces of those in the community. They were the foot soldiers who fought in anonymity.
人力資源組已遷往該處,以配合團隊擴大後 的需要並希望員工在更佳的工作環境下增加 互動機會;而世貿中心二十八樓將進行翻新 以用作我們的企業辦事處。
此外,早前以二億七千零八十萬港元購入位 於粉嶺的一幢工業大廈,將成為我們位處新 界的辦事處,以便配合多個位於新界的項目 銷售及管理工作。
儘管疫情令營運環境面臨挑戰,惟我們透過 審慎的業務管理及投資,保持財務狀況穩 健。年內我們錄得淨盈餘七十六億港元,其 中的六十一億港元為投資收益。
現時,我們規劃中或興建中的房屋項目多達 十多個,未來數年的資金承擔十分龐大。為 配合發展計劃,管理層將與新成立於執行委 員會下的財務專責小組密切合作,檢視我們 的財政資源,並就發展需要建議籌資策略。
房協通過了二零二零╱二一年的考驗,我們 更團結地面對前所未有的挑戰。在屋邨及代 管物業前線工作的員工,不分晝夜為住戶維 持良好的居住環境;負責長者房屋及社會服 務的同事努力制定創新方案,讓長者與住戶 積極參與以保持身心愉悅及健康;負責工程 項目的同事竭盡所能令項目如期進行;義工 們繼續為社區送上歡樂。大家都在各自崗位 上默默地作出貢獻。

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