Page 75 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 75

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
In the same vein, the HSC joined hands with members of the HS Academy Alumni Club and Food For Good to distribute gift packs containing groceries to 450 residents of Jat Min Chuen and disadvantaged families living in the neighbourhood. This activity aimed to promote food waste reduction and share warmth and love in the district. HSC also paid visits to singleton elderly residents.
Despite the pandemic, the HSC continued its efforts in supporting young tenants in their pursuit of academic excellence.
During the year, ten students from eight rental estates of the Housing Society received scholarships of HK$5,000 each as recognition of their strong performance in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination.
One student, with outstanding results of 30 points or above, was additionally granted the "Award for Excellence" scholarship of HK$5,000, and the total scholarship up to HK$10,000. The total awards given amounted to HK$55,000.
Though most social gathering activities previously organised by the HSC have almost come to a halt, the HSC managed to organise a number of events to improve the wellbeing of residents with social distancing measures strictly observed.
同 時 ,「 房 協 之 友 」與「 房 協 獎 學 金 同 學 會 」和 「齊惜福」成員攜手向四百五十名乙明邨居民 和居於鄰近社區的基層家庭派發糧食等禮物 包。這項活動旨在倡導減少廚餘,並在區內 分享溫情和關愛。此外,「房協之友」亦探訪
於疫情期間,「房協之友」繼續全力支持年輕 租戶在學業上精益求精。
本年度,來自房協轄下八個出租屋邨的十名 學生分別獲發五千港元獎學金,以表彰他們 在香港中學文憑考試取得的優異成績。
其中一名學生取得三十分或以上的優秀成 績,因而額外獲頒「卓越表現」獎學金五千港 元,共領取一萬港元獎學金。房協合共授出 五萬五千港元獎學金予屋邨住戶。
儘管「房協之友」先前舉辦的大多數社交聚會 活動幾乎停滯,但「房協之友」仍順利舉辦了 多項活動,以在嚴格遵守社交距離措施的前 提下,提升住戶的幸福感。

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