Page 97 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 97

       Mock-up flats were set up as platform to collect views of different stakeholders on UD and BFA provisions.
配備通用設計和無障礙設施的模擬單位作為收集不 同持份者意見。
   香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
As part of the study, different mock-up flats that came with UD and BFA provisions, as well as amenities like window operator, sliding door for bathroom and kitchen, height-adjustable basin, grab rails, adjustable shower chair, were set up as a platform to collect views and suggestions of different stakeholders.
Representatives from relevant government departments, industry associations, property developers, academia and NGOs would be invited to express their views concerning the mock-up flats.
Coupled with the data and feedbacks collected from the survey, interviews and focus group meetings, the information collated will be leveraged to help the Housing Society develop sustainable homes with considerations on UD and BFA design for all ages and abilities, as well as enhancement on healthy living.
We hope by making UD and BFA design a factor of consideration in the planning and building of homes, our finished products will stimulate other industry practitioners to apply similar provisions in their developments.
Apart from UD and BFA provisions, the component of social sustainability has been embedded in the overall planning and supply of unit types in subsidised sale flats.
作為研究的一部分,房協建構結合通用設計 和提供無障礙設施的不同模擬單位,在當中 加入窗戶操作器、浴室和廚房趟門、可調節 高度的洗手盆、扶手和可調節淋浴椅等設 施,以此作為收集不同持份者意見和建議的 平台。
相關政府部門、行業協會、物業發展商、學 界和非政府機構代表將獲邀分享對模擬單位 的意見。
房協在發展可持續發展房屋時會參考根據調 查、訪問和聚焦小組會議所收集的數據和意 見整理得出的資料,並考慮採用適合不同年 齡和能力人士的通用設計和無障礙設施設 計,以及有助提升健康生活的設施。
我們希望透過在房屋規劃和建設中採用通用 設計和無障礙設施設計來發揮示範作用,鼓 勵其他業界人士也在發展項目加入類似設計 和設施。
除通用設計和無障礙設施設計外,社會可持 續發展元素已融入資助出售房屋的整體規劃 和所供應的單位類型。

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