Page 99 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 99

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
T-Home Project — Trackside Villas
The Housing Society signed an agreement with the MTR Corporation Limited on the use of its Trackside Villas in Tai Po to operate the third “T-Home” project. The five-year agreement will provide transitional housing for people awaiting public housing.
The project provided a total of 185 two-bedroom and three- bedroom units, with internal areas ranging from 27 to 47 square metres. These have been renovated with the financial support of the Community Care Fund and converted into T-Homes. Among the units, 134 were operated by the Housing Society and 51 by Hong Kong Council of Social Services for lease administration. The latter was also tasked with providing social support and care to the families for mutual support within the community.
房協與香港鐵路有限公司簽訂協議,將其位 於大埔的策誠軒用作第三個「暫租住屋」項 目。協議為期五年,目的是為正在輪候公屋 的人士提供過渡性房屋。
該項目合共提供一百八十五個兩房及三房單 位,單位內部面積介乎二十七至四十七平方 米。在「關愛基金」的資助下,這些單位經翻 新後被改為「暫租住屋」。其中一百三十四個 單位由房協營運,五十一個單位交由香港社 會服務聯會負責租賃管理。香港社會服務聯 會亦向項目中的家庭提供社區支援和關顧, 以促進社區互助。
   Being allocated a T-Home is like winning a lottery for my family. Before moving into Trackside Villas, we used to live in a 150-square feet subdivided unit in San Po Kong, where we had to climb five flights of stairs. The rental and the power bills there cost about HK$7,000 a month, which was quite a burden for a sole breadwinner like me. The cramped living environment meant my kids had to do their homework by sitting on the bed, not to mention any space for my 7-month-old baby to crawl around.
Thanks to T-Home, our living conditions have greatly improved as the space here is a triple of the previous flat. My children can do their favourite hobbies like dancing or drawing in the living room, and they all have their own bedroom and a desk to do their homework, it’s more like a home!
分配到「暫租住屋」對我們一家來說就像中了彩票。搬進策誠軒之 前,我們曾經住過新蒲崗一個一百五十平方呎的劏房,回家要爬五 層樓。那裡的房租和電費每個月大約要七千元,對於我們這樣只有 一個人賺錢的家庭來說是個沉重的負擔。狹小的生活環境意味著我 的子女不得不坐在床上做功課,七個月大的寶寶更沒有任何空間可 以爬行。
慶幸有「暫租住屋」,我們的居住條件得到了很大改善,這裡的空 間是以前的三倍。孩子們可以在客廳跳舞、畫畫,做任何他們喜歡 做的事。每個人都有自己的睡房,可以在自己的書桌上做功課,這 才像一個家!
Mr Ma lived with his wife and three children, aged 9, 4 and seven months old, in the three-room unit at Trackside Villas.
馬先生和妻子、三個分別九歲、四歲和 七個月大的孩子住在策誠軒一個三房單 位。

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